There have been somany princess movies added to Disney’s vault since Lenny was a little girl, and my younger sister, Madeline, has never really been into princess movies. So I never really noticed the new ones. Actually Ashlyn, my third and final stepmother, was never fond of Madeline watching much television at all, let alone princess movies, which is surprising, considering Ashlyn resembles the embodiment of a cartoon princess. But Brynlee and I have camped out on the couch most of the day, binging all the princess goodness Disney Plus has to offer.
The poor kid feels awful, but luckily for both of us, she was able to keep down the chicken noodle soup I made earlier for lunch. I’m not sure what it says about me that I fed Cade’s daughter soup that came out of a box, but that’s what was in the pantry, and that’s what she wanted. It was actually pretty good.
Brynlee fell asleep about halfway through the last movie. Now this one I could get behind. A badass little red-headed princess wanted to be able to control her own life. Finally, a little girl power instead of a princess needing to be saved.
Once I make sure Brynlee is asleep, I gently slide a pillow under her head and get up to clean the mess I managed to make in the kitchen.
I’ve never been much of a cook. I grew up with someone else always taking care of it. And once I was old enough to have to deal with it myself, I was also old enough to have a meal service deliver fresh meals directly to my refrigerator. How was I supposed to know the soup would bubble up and over the top of the pot? It didn’t say anything about that on the instructions on the back of the box.
Once that’s handled, I grab my laptop out of Cade’s room and set myself up at the kitchen table, ready to jump into the report Lenny sent me about the first week of training camp last week, when a knock at the front door catches my attention. A quick glance at the security feed, sitting in the corner of the desk in the kitchen, shows a petite brunette. She looks familiar, but I can’t place her.
Not wanting Brynlee to wake up, I hurry to the door before she can knock again. Once the rounded oak door opens, the smile falls from the pretty woman’s face, replaced by a sneer. “So, you are living here. I thought he was wrong.”
“Excuse me?” I don’t like the entitled tone to this woman’s voice. “And who, exactly, are you?”
“I’m here to see my daughter.” She glances down at my pregnant belly, and an even uglier look passes over her face.
Shit. This is Cade’s ex, Daria. She’s dyed her blonde hair to a stark brown. That’s why I didn’t recognize her. “If you want to see Brynlee, you’ll have to talk to Cade.” I step through the door and close it behind me, putting more distance between Daria and Brynlee. “Now, please leave.”
“You think you’re so fucking special because you’re a Kingston. Well, guess what, honey. You spread your legs the same damn way I did, so when he’s done using you and then tosses you away like he did me, maybe you won’t feel so superior.”
I look Daria over from top to toe. Her clothes are ill-fitting. Too big. They hang off her frail frame and are in desperate need of a wash. Her eyes are sunken and wild, and her skin is sallow.
What’s wrong with her?
Is she sick?
Is that why she wants to see Brynlee so badly?
She’s out of her mind if she thinks she can get past me. I take a step closer. I’m Scarlet fucking Kingston, and it will take a hell of a lot more than this little bitch to intimidate me. “You need to leave. Now.” I take another step forward, backing her down the stairs. “I’ll let Cade know you stopped by.” I wave my fingers in the air. “I’m sure he’ll be in touch. Bye-bye.”
I’m sure he’ll be calling his lawyers first.
If not, I might just call mine for him.
There’s something about this woman that isn’t sitting right with me.
For someone who supposedly came to see Brynlee, she only mentioned her once.
“Oh, I look forward to it.” She turns to leave, then looks back over her shoulder. “I’ll see you real soon, princess.”
“It’s King, not princess.”
A princess needs to be saved.
I can save my own damn self.
When I go back inside, I breathe a sigh of relief to see Brynlee still sound asleep on the couch. I’m not sure how that woman could hold this beautiful little girl in her arms and then decide to just give her away to her father. Sign away all her parental rights. Take what I’m sure was a hefty payment, and then think she has the right to come back in and disrupt her life.
Brynn rolls over, and her little eyes flutter open when her hand meets the cool couch instead of me. “Scarlet...” She turns and looks around until her eyes land on me. “I feel yucky.” Her arms go out in front of her, reaching for me, so I sit down and pull her onto my lap. Resting my cheek against her face, I feel her warm skin.
“Come on, baby. Let’s get you some more medicine.” I run my fingers along her temple. “Do you want to take a bath? It might make you feel better.”
She shakes her head from side to side. “No. Can we lay in Daddy’s bed?”
“We can do anything you want, sweets.” I stand up and reach out my hand for hers. “Don’t forget Teddy.”
She holds him tightly against her chest. “Can we bring up juice too?”