Page 84 of Broken King

Most of us don’t mind this part, charity or not.

When you fight for a living, you tend to be an extrovert. I loved the spotlight back then. I loved the attention. The glory. And all the things that came with it. But not now. Now, I’d rather be home with my girls instead of watching the clock, waiting for this to be over.

The event is a week away, and we’ve already raised more money for my veteran’s charity this year than in the last few years combined. Thanks, in part, to Max Kingston’s check.

I pull my phone from my pocket, making sure I haven’t missed any calls from Scarlet. “Why do you keep checking your phone?” Hudson and I are standing back from the crowd surrounding Jax and his opponent as they go through their interviews and pictures.

“Brynlee’s home sick. Scarlet’s staying with her. I guess I keep waiting for the text telling me I need to come home.” I shove my phone back into my pocket and shrug.

“If there’s one thing I know about my sister, it’s when she says she has something under control, she has it under control. So, you’ve got nothing to worry about. Brynlee seems to really like her too. How’s that going?”

A reporter walks by, trying to get Hudson’s attention, but he just nods and waits expectantly for my answer.

“How’s what going? Brynlee’s relationship with Scarlet?”

Hud nods.

“It’s good, man. Brynlee loves Scarlet. I thought she was getting the motherly attention she needed from Imogen, Rylie, and Jillian. But I don’t think it’s the same when it comes to your sister. She gets something different from her. I’m not sure I can put it into words. But it’s pretty amazing to watch.” I thought Brynn would give me a hard time when I told her I was leaving this morning. But she didn’t. She was snuggled up under a blanket with her head resting on Scarlet’s lap, watching the last of her movie. She let me kiss her goodbye but didn’t seem to care that I was leaving. “Her little world used to revolve around me, but she had no problem making room for Scarlet.”

“You ready to have another kid?” He looks at me, then shakes his head. “I still can’t believe you and my sister.” I try to interrupt him, but he puts his hand out, stopping me. “I’m not saying it’s a bad thing. I just never figured the guy who would finally tame Scarlet would be you. Or a guy like you, for that matter.”

“What’s that supposed to mean, asshole?”

“Calm down. I just meant you’re rough, Saint. You’re a former MMA World Champion. I’ve watched you with her. You don’t let her steamroll you the way she does most people. It’s a good thing. I think Scarlet needed someone who was as strong as her. I guess she found it.”

I guess she did.

“Don’t fuck it up, Saint,” Hudson smirks as Imogen taps me on the shoulder, letting me know it’s my turn to be interviewed. “You’ll never find someone better than my sister.”

Like he needs to tell me that.

Scarlet Kingston has always been too good for me.

She’s also always been mine.