Page 66 of Broken King

After Dr. Eshergave Scarlet instructions to continue monitoring her blood pressure daily and schedule her next appointment and the anatomy scan, I wanted nothing more than to spend the afternoon with her. But unfortunately, I’ve got meetings that were scheduled weeks ago with the promoter for our upcoming exhibition, so that wasn’t going to happen today.

As we drive through the city, I enjoy listening to her marvel over the fact that we’re really going to have a daughter.

Scarlet is even more enamored now than she was before.

She’s a sight to be seen.

“You’re absolutely glowing, duchess.”

Her light laughter soothes my soul in a way few things ever have. “What are you doing this afternoon? Want to get some lunch?”

I settle my hand over hers. “I wish I could. Unfortunately, I’ve got a meeting with a fight promoter this afternoon and then have to pick up Brynlee from my older sister’s house.”

She pulls her hands away quickly. “Oh.” Disappointment laces her tone.

“Do you have plans for tomorrow? Why don’t you come over? We can have a little barbeque for Memorial Day.” I reach out and grasp her hand in mine. “It would give you a chance to get to know Brynlee a little better.”

Scarlet’s voice betrays her hesitance. “Is Brynlee the only reason you’d like me to come over?”

“The only reason? No.” I lift her hand to my lips. “But it is one of the many reasons. The loudest, silliest one. The one who asked about you a lot last night.” I lower her hand and rub my thumb in circles over her soft skin. “Scarlet, I want you in my life as more than the mother of my child. And if you’re going to be in my life, then Brynlee is going to be in yours.”

“You want me in your life?”

I pull sharply into the garage of her building, throw the truck in park, and turn to face this frustrating woman. “Scarlet Kingston, you are the stupidest smart woman I’ve ever met. Yes... Yes, I want you there to get to know my daughter. She’s a part of me.” I run my hand over her hair, attempting to soothe her fear, not sure where it’s coming from. “Just like our little girl is. But that doesn’t mean I want you there for me... for us any less.” My frustration grows as I try to find a way to get Scarlet to hear me.

My hands grab her face moments before my lips crash down on hers, swallowing her gasp.



Until her lips are swollen and bruised.

Until we’re both gasping for breath.

“We fucked this up once, Scarlet. I’m not letting us fuck this up again. Come over tomorrow. Pack a bag. Spend the night. We can have a lazy holiday Monday doing whatever you want.” My eyes dance between hers. “Stay with me.”

Her hands cover mine. “Aww, Cade. You say such pretty things. ‘Don’t fuck this up,’ might be the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to me.” She leans in and sucks my bottom lip into her mouth, scraping it with her teeth before soothing the pain with her tongue. “Pack a bag, huh? You want me to spend the night?”

She’s giving me whiplash, but it’s worth it.

“Yeah, duchess. Pack a bag. Come over any time tomorrow. Bring your bathing suit.”

She slips the strap of her purse over her shoulder and stares at me. “It’s barely eighty degrees out.”

“The pool’s heated, and Brynn loves to swim. She’ll try to con you into it. Be ready.”

Scarlet steps out of the truck before turning to face me. “Guess I’ll see you tomorrow, Cade.”

“Wait...” I call after her as she shuts the door, then jump out of my side, round the truck, and grab her, my hands on either side of her neck. I back her up against her door, a wicked smile gracing her beautiful face. “I really wish we could spend the day together.”

Her arms circle my neck as her smile grows. “I swear, the only time I’ve ever enjoyed being manhandled is when it’s been by you.”

“That’s because I’m the only man who’s supposed to be handling you, duchess.” I take her mouth in a fierce kiss. And I promise myself when I finally get this woman awake and in my bed, I’ll take my time worshipping her the way she deserves,finding every sweet spot as I explore her entire body.

She whimpers when I pull back. And I want nothing more than to carry her up to her condo and sink deep into her heat. “Tomorrow.”

She licks her lips and nods her head. “One day, you’re going to ask me to do something, not tell me to do it. I don’t know why I let you get away with that.”