I step aside and open the door into her building for her, then smack her ass as she walks past. “Yeah, you do. You like when I tell you what to do.” She purses her lips, and I wink. “You always have. Don’t question it now.”
“You’re crazy.” She laughs. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
I watch her greet her doorman then walk to the elevator.
That woman is mine.
Now I’ve got to get her to realize it.
Kingston Family Group Text:
Scarlet:I have some news...
Becks:Saint’s not the father? It was an immaculate conception?
Lenny:Ummm... based on recent activities that may have occurred in her office, I’m pretty sure that Scarlet’s no virgin.
Scarlet:You seriously just can’t keep your mouth shut, can you Len?
Lenny:Mouth... legs... Us Kingstons aren’t very good at keeping things shut lately.
Max:Jesus Christ. What’s wrong with you people?
Hudson:I’m with Maximus. I don’t want to think about my sisters having sex.
Amelia:Says the man whore. How many women have the tabloids caught you with in the last few months?
Hudson:Didn’t you used to be the sweet one?
Scarlet:We’ve corrupted her.
Lenny:It was so much fun.
Amelia:Yeah it was.
Amelia:Wait. Are we still talking about sex or corruption? Because either way it’s been so much fun.
Jace:You guys are insane. And fucking GROSS! What’s your news Scar?
Sawyer:Aww. Look at little jack-off being the voice of reason.
Sawyer:Someone wanna tell him sex isn’t gross, or are we teaching him abstinence?
Jace:Go fuck Huck Fin, asshole. I’m not a virgin.
Hudson:Sure you’re not.
Becks:Loses some credibility when you’ve gotta convince people.
Scarlet:Baby Kingston is officially Baby Girl Kingston. We found out today!
Lenny:OMG! YAY!
Amelia:Love it! I can’t wait to buy baby girl clothes!
Becks:That’s fantastic – but don’t you mean Baby Girl St. James?
Sawyer:I’m sure she’s gonna be as beautiful as her momma.