Page 81 of Rise of the King

“You would never hurt me, Sam. But you should put me down before you hurt yourself.”

One hand slides up to the back of my neck, holding my head. “Never, Amelia. I’ll never let anyone hurt you.”

* * *

We managed to make it back upstairs and into bed for a few more hours of sleep. But once Sam’s phone started ringing, it wouldn’t stop. So we gave up and jumped in the shower, deciding it was time to meet the day. I was going to shower on my own so we could move a little faster, but Sam would have none of that.

“We’ll save water,” he said.

“We’ll save time,” he claimed.

Well, he lied. But it was the best damn shower of my life.

As we dry off, I realize I don’t know what his plans are for the day. “Are you planning on working today?”

Before he has a chance to respond, his phone rings. Grabbing it from the nightstand, he answers, “What?”

I can’t completely hear the other side of the call. It’s just a muffled male voice saying something about Nick before Sam tells him he’ll be right down. Cupping my face in both hands, he brushes his lips over mine. “Come on. Let me feed you, and I can show you what I plan on doing all day today.”

Yes, please.

Downstairs, Nick is waiting for us in the kitchen, having helped himself to a cup of Nonna’s coffee. “Sit,” I’m told while Sam places bread in the toaster, pours me a cup of coffee, and hands me the creamer.

A girl could get used to this.

Once he’s got me settled, he finally acknowledges Nick.

“You got something for me?”

Nick’s eyes dart between Sam and me, contemplating his next move. “Nothing yet, Sam. The men have been looking all night.”

Sam nods and butters my toast.

Ha ha. Butters my toast. That sounds so dirty. If only I had the energy to act on it.

When I look up, I see the two of them staring at me and realize I must have laughed out loud. “Why don’t I leave you two alone?” I start to rise from the table, but Sam’s big hand on my shoulder stops me.

“Sit, Snow. This is your home too,” he adds.

“It is?” I ask, having no clue when that happened, but the idea warms my insides.

“It is?” Nick echoes.

Sam’s glare would stop most men in their tracks. Not Nick though. “When did this happen? Where was she yesterday?”

“Why are you here, Nick? You’ve got nothing for me. Get out until you do.”

Sam’s phone rings again, the shrill tone making my brain hurt.

“Tell me you’ve got something, Dean.” Sam walks out of the kitchen and down toward the office before he stops in his tracks. “I want him alive. Nobody touches him until I get there. Got it?” A moment later, satisfied with whatever response he received, he hangs up and walks back into the kitchen.

“Dean’s got him.” Sam’s talking to Nick, not me. “Wait here. I need you to drive me to the old warehouse.”

Before Nick can say anything, Sam turns around, giving him his back.

Uh-oh... Trouble in paradise?

“Snow, come upstairs with me for a minute.” His hand extends in front of me, and without so much as a bat of an eyelash, I take it and stand. We don’t speak until we’re in his room with the door closed.