Pop brings his fist down on his desk. “Well, go fucking find her. I need this done.” Angry eyes meet mine when I don’t get up fast enough. “Get it done.”
* * *
Five fucking hours later, I’ve had my fill of crying women. We found Maria. She’s terrified Sabatini will kill her. She changed her mind. She tried to say she didn’t want any part of going against him until Dean pointed out she should be more scared of me and what we’d do to her if she didn’t help us.
She cried harder but cooperated.
My first call was to Bash. I forgot he had a game today. Once he finally called me back, I was able to tell him the forced marriage was over, and he was free. He’s going to meet Pop and me for lunch tomorrow. He couldn’t get off the phone fast enough when he realized that meant he could go get his girl.
Eleanor Kingston better be ready because Bash is coming for her tonight.
Pop was my next stop. I filled him in on everything and gave him copies of it all. We’ve got him. Sabatini’s a dead man walking. He just doesn’t know it yet.
Hours later, I’m finally home with a glass of bourbon in my hand when my phone rings with Mike’s name flashing across it. “Mike?”
“Sam, man. We need to talk.”
I run my fingers through my hair. This fucking day is never gonna end. “We’re talking now, Mike.”
“Meet me at my place. Come tonight, Sam. It’s about Amelia.”
“Is she alright?” Christ. I can’t do this.
I’ve given her the space she wanted.
I’ve waited for her to come to me.
And now she’s in trouble.
“I’ll be there in ten minutes.” I’m already grabbing for my coat and keys before the call ends.
Mike’s watching for me and buzzes the door open before I even bang on it. He’s in the same spot he’s always in, in front of his wall of technology, but this time is different. Looking over the monitors, I recognize the people and dossiers up on the screens. These people are Kingstons.
They own the Philadelphia Kings football team.
It’s Eleanor’s family, including Eleanor.
“What the fuck, Mike? What do the Kingstons have to do with Amelia? Is she okay? Is she safe? Did the Tremblays fuck us?” The thought of this woman hurt affects me in ways I can’t even comprehend.
Way too fucking calm, Mike asks, “What do you know about the Kingstons, Sam?”
“Did you make me drive over here for a goddamn history lesson? They’re the fucking Kingstons. Everyone in Philly knows them. Bash is dating Eleanor. I’ve known Becket since high school. Max Kingston is an uptight dick. And the one married to old man Kingston while he was fucking someone else was hot as hell. What do I need to know about them? And what does this have to do with Amelia?” How the hell could the Kingstons hurt Amelia?
Mike spins in his seat, then grabs two bottles of beer from the mini fridge under his desk. He tosses one my way and cracks the lid open on his, then points his bottle at me. “You might want to have a drink, man. Things are about to get all sorts of fucked in here.”
* * *
Holy Hell.
Mike wasn’t kidding.
“Let me make sure I’ve got this straight. Amelia’s mom had an affair with old man Kingston before she went into witness protection. She got pregnant with Amelia. She saw someone from Sabatini’s old crew murder a Russian and testified against him. Then she moved across the country and changed her name. Kingston never even knew Amelia existed until Mom called him right before she died?”
“No. She wrote a letter. But by the time he got it, she was dead and so was the information on Anastasia Rivell. The Kingstons have been looking for her for years, but she’s good at covering her tracks.” Mike smirks and then turns back to his monitors. “But something changed. They brought in a new guy to help. I think you know him.”