A picture of my Uncle Dino comes up on a monitor. Dino is my mother’s brother. He refused to be part of The Family years ago, and Mom’s parents cut him off.
I’ve seen him a few times over the years but didn’t realize he worked behind the scenes for the Philadelphia Kings football team until a few years ago. It was the day I met Amelia, after the shooting at Belle’s house.
He came with Declan.
He’s the fixer for the team.
“Yeah. He’s my uncle. So he’s searching for Amelia?” This is fucking insane.
Mike starts pulling information up on the screen directly in front of him. “Yeah. He’s been tracking her. He’s covering his tracks as best he can, but he’s not as good as me. He doesn’t have her yet. But it looks like he’s close.”
“What the hell do they want with Amelia?”
“Man...” Mike looks at me like I’m an idiot. “She’s their sister.”