Page 103 of Rise of the King

“I’m not that bad,” Scarlet denies at the same time, and a few of her brothers groan.

“Yes, you are,” adds the biggest man in this insanely attractive group of people who somehow share my DNA. He’s tall and broad with muscles stretching the sleeves of his long-sleeved t-shirt.

“Shut up, Huddy,” Scarlet snaps.

“Can we not bust out the nicknames until we’ve at least told our sister our actual names?” I think I’m going to call this one Hulk instead of Huddy. He’s freaking huge. “I’m Hudson, Amelia. Welcome to the family.”

Jesus. The words “sister,” “brothers,” and “family” roll off their tongues as if it were natural. Normal. As if I’m not the first long-lost sister they’ve found. “Umm, thanks. I guess.”

When Lenny finally makes her way over to us with Jace and another brother I haven’t met, I start counting the siblings.

How many of them did they say there are?

“Hey, Amelia.” Lenny stands sandwiched between Sebastian and the unknown brother.

He looks around at everyone crowded into the corner of the suite. “Well, if these guys haven’t scared you away yet, I’m Sawyer.”

Lenny smacks his shoulder. “We’re not scary,”

“Speak for yourself, Lenny Lou. I’m scary,” Scarlet owns it, and I think I may have a girl-crush on my sister.

“You are scary, Scar. I’m still not convinced you don’t suck the life out of your dates when you’re done with them,” Becket laughs at his own joke as Scarlet scowls.

“Go fuck a cheerleader, Becks.” She takes my hand and Lenny’s and starts tugging us along behind her. “We’re going to have some girl time. Bye, boys.”

Sam lets go of me and pats my ass as I’m pulled away.

I hear Jace groan. “Dude, that’s my sister.”

Okay. That’s going to take some getting used to.

“Well, she’s going to be my wife very soon, so I outrank you, high schooler.”

When Lenny, Scarlet, and I sit down at one of the high-top tables, they’re both staring at me, waiting. “Did I just hear Sam say you’re going to be his wife?” Len asks.

Heat crawls up my face as I switch the hands holding my bottle of beer to show off my new engagement ring. “He did.”

Lenny squeals, and Scarlet pulls my hand toward her, drawing the attention of Annabelle and every other woman in this suite. “That is stunning. He has good taste,” Scarlet approves.

“Of course, he does. He’s marrying her,” Belle tells the women as she joins us, handing me Gracie while she pulls up a chair. “He’s a lucky man.” Her eyes trail over my face, shimmering with unshed tears. She’s such a crier. “You’re all lucky to have this woman in your lives.”

Gracie lays her head down on my shoulder and starts twirling my hair as she sucks her finger.

That’s totally her tell. This kid is going to be out like a light at any minute. I pat her back as I listen to these women talk, and I realize I had nothing to be nervous about.

The Kingstons are as crazy as the family I’ve already found.

This kind of crazy creates my kind of people.

My kind of family.