WatchingAmelia getting comfortable with the Kingstons is a strange thing. She’s been passed around from one Kingston to the next the entire game. She’s been laughing and smiling the whole time, so they get to live for now.
“Have you set a date yet?” Bash asks as Max Kingston joins us at the bar.
Max asks the bartender to get five bottles of champagne and leans back against the bar, watching the room.
His empire.
His family.
“No date yet. Amelia would be happy to just go down to city hall and get married in front of a judge. I had to convince her to get married in a church. Nothing big. Just our family.” Bash nods, knowing that I mean this won’t be an event for The Family. Even if, as the head of The Family, it’s expected of me. That’s not what Snow would want, and I plan on giving her everything she’s ever wanted.
Max looks at me, torn.
“What’s on your mind, Max?” We’ve never been close. I wouldn’t call him a friend. But for Amelia, I’ll fucking try.
The bartender begins filling crystal champagne flutes behind us with Max watching him out of the corner of his eye. “Just wondering if she’ll consider us family by then. If she’ll want a relationship after today.”
“She’ll come around. She’s used to being on her own. But she’ll come around. Just give her time and the space she needs to get there.” The bartender hands me a flute as Scarlet joins the three of us.
“The two of you are taking two of my sisters. Know someone who wants to take number three off my hands?” Max tips his glass toward Scarlet.
“Fuck off, Maxie pad. You wouldn’t know what to do without me.” A waiter begins moving around the room, passing out flutes of champagne, and Scarlet looks tempted to pour hers over her brother’s head.
Max raises his glass. “I’d like to make a toast.”
The box quiets, and everyone turns in our direction. “I know we’re a loud, and sometimes an obnoxious and overwhelming bunch. I know we take a little getting used to. But I hope you’re willing to take a chance on us, Amelia, because we love hard. We have each other’s backs. And we’d be lucky to have yours too, if you’ll let us.”
If I know my girl, she hates all this attention.
The way she’s chewing her thumbnail tells me I’m right. Becks must notice it too because he cuts off his brother’s next words, “To old friends, and new family.”
The entire stadium erupts as Declan Sinclair runs the ball into the end zone.
Amelia raises her glass. “To the Kings.”
“To the Kings,” is echoed throughout the suite.
After placing my glass on the bar, I move next to my bride-to-be and hold her face in my hands. “I love you.”
Her answering smile is everything.
When our lips meet, a high-pitched peel of laughter comes zooming toward us before one of the twins pushes in-between our legs. “Kisses,” she demands.
Bash picks her up and kisses her head.
She smooshes her lips to his cheeks. “Kisses, Bashy.”
“Told you it was a good nickname, asshole,” Jace flips Bash off just before Annabelle marches over in full momma-bear mode and flicks his ear.
“Welcome to the family, baby Kingston. Don’t curse in front of my kids.” She takes Evie away from Bash and hands her to Jace. “Here. Your turn,” she says and walks away without a backward glance.
“What the fu—” Jace gets cut off by Scarlet.
“I wouldn’t mess with Annabelle Sinclair, Jace. You’ll lose.”
Jace watches his sister walk away before turning back to us. “That woman is scarier than Scarlet. And her punishment smells like it needs her diaper changed.” He scrunches up his nose and holds Evie away from his body. “Help?”
Amelia runs her hands down Evie’s back. “Have fun with that. The diaper bag is over there.” She laces her fingers with mine. “Come on, Sam. Let’s go watch the fourth quarter.”