Page 105 of Rise of the King

“Whatever you want, Snow.”

* * *

After the Kings pulled out a hard-fought victory over the Bears, everyone said their goodnights and goodbyes. The majority of the Kingstons watched Amelia like she was a deer that was going to bolt. They underestimate her strength right now. But that’s okay. After they get to know her, they’ll realize she’s a force to be reckoned with. It takes a whole lot more than that to scare my girl.

Once we’re both tucked into her piece-of-shit car, we wait in the stadium traffic to get home. “Can I please order you a car as a wedding present? Seriously, Snow. This car is one oil change away from dying while you’re driving it.”

“Hey.” She rubs her steering wheel. “I like my car. And you’re not normal. You realize that, right? People don’t just order cars like groceries, Sam. You go to the dealer. You offer them less than they’re asking for. You test-drive the thing.”

“I order cars, Snow. And I’m ordering you one. You need to be safe. Our kids will need to be safe.”

“Sam Beneventi, I just said I’d marry you. You’re not allowed to guilt me into getting a new car because of kids we might have one day.” She sits on her side of the car, pouting as we inch along. “How many do you want?”

“Cars? I don’t know. Three, I guess.” That’s not what she was asking, and I know it. But watching the fiery red color blossom on her face makes it all worth it.

“You’re a dumbass, Sam. Who needs three cars? I meant kids. But seriously, three cars? We’re two people. Aren’t two cars good enough?”

“I don’t know how many kids I want, Snow. I just know I want them. I want to watch you hold our babies. I want to fill the house with kids and laughter and cookies.” I lean over and crush my lips to hers. Her hands cup my face as my tongue traces her perfect lips. “And you’re going to need to pick a wedding date so that can all happen.”

“Call the priest, Sam.” She rubs her fingers along my jaw. “See how fast we can get this scheduled. I can’t wait to be Amelia Beneventi.”

“I’ll call him tomorrow morning. Right after I order your car.”

Amelia tugs on my hair. “Sam...”

I kiss her lips again, and she melts against me.

A horn honks behind us.

“Let’s go home, Snow.” I try to pull back, but she grabs my face and holds my lips to hers, kissing me. Loving me.

“Let’s go home, Sam.”