Belleand I are sitting on the sofa in the corner of Coach’s suite at the Kings stadium when my phone vibrates on the table, alerting me to a text on the Kingston family group text chain.
Lenny:Amelia – are you here?
Jace:Where’s here? Because none of you were at my hockey game this afternoon.
Hudson:Aww. Poor baby. Is somebody feeling neglected?
Amelia:I’m here. I’m in Coach’s suite with Belle.
Lenny:On it. I’ll be there in a minute.
Max:You’re supposed to be working.
Lenny:Becks isn’t even here.
Sawyer:He’s probably with his girlfriend.
Hudson:She’s fucking awful.
Becks:I’m on the damn text asshole.
Hudson:Sorry. She’s perfect for you. Love her.
Scarlet:She sucks. Get a new one.
Becks:At least I have a woman.
Sawyer:Nope. I’d rather be single.
Jace:Yup. Me too.
Hudson:Me three.
Max:You’re supposed to be working.
Becks:Whatever assholes.
Gracie and Evie decide now is the perfect time to make a run for Aunt Amelia’s gigantic belly, but my sexy husband cuts them off at the pass, picking both girls up under their arms and turning them back to face the field where we’re watching Declan and Sebastian kick some Sentinel ass. Belles is sitting across from me, rocking her son, Nixon, to sleep in her arms. “Why is it, that as I get bigger and bigger, my sex drive gets more out of control than ever?”
She takes a big sip of wine as a smug smile settles over her face. “It’s almost over. Just a few more weeks. Find whatever position is the least uncomfortable, and go for it. Just make him do all the work.”
“I second that.” I hadn’t heard Scarlet come in, looking as fashionable as ever in a gorgeous winter-white pants suit and matching heels, but apparently, she heard enough of our conversation to agree. She’s tall and thin, and not a single strand of her dark hair is out of place. And I might hate her a little bit right now, while I sit here like a beached whale, feeling like I’m nineteen months pregnant instead of nine. “You’ve got two more weeks. Let him do all the work, and make sure he gets you off first. I mean, how long do you have to wait after you birth my perfect niece or nephew?”
“Six weeks,” Belles and I say in sync, to which Scarlet makes a horrified face.
“Yet another reason I’ll be their favorite aunt but do not want any of my own.” She reaches over and rubs my belly. “Repeat after me, little Kingston. Auntie Scarlet is your favorite.”
My husband moves behind me and squeezes my shoulders. “Baby Beneventi, Scarlet.”
“Whatever, Sam. You and Bash have stolen both of my sisters. I think I should get to name the baby.” She leans closer to my belly. “What do you think about that? I’ll name you. I’ll be your favorite. And then I’ll buy you your very first car.” Scarlet throws a half-hearted glare in Sam’s direction when he attempts to cut her off. “Fine.” Then her eyes light up. “I’ll buy you your first pony.”
Belle giggles, and baby Nixon whines from the interruption. “I swear this kid only wants to sleep when he’s being walked around.”
I push up from the chair. “Give him to me. My back hurts. I need to move around.” But as I reach for Nixon, water gushes down my legs, and I stare in horror as I see the puddle I’ve left on the floor, as well as all over Scarlet’s pristine white pants and shoes. “Oh my God.”
“Amelia, please tell me you didn’t just pee on me. Please, please, please.” Everyone ignores Scarlet as a flurry of activity starts around me. It seems like everyone starts speaking at once, making it hard to catch who’s saying what.