Page 102 of Rise of the King

“I messagedLenny earlier to let her know Sam and I would be at the game and we’d be in the suite with you guys.” I try to contain my nerves as I stand next to Bash in the suite while we watch Declan throw a perfect spiral downfield for a fifty-yard gain.

“Go, Daddy,” Belle’s daughter, Evie shouts while she and Gracie jump up and down, dressed in their little Sinclair jerseys and matching pink tutus. Before either girl sees it coming, Callen Sinclair—Coach Sinclair’s youngest son, who’s technically their uncle but also only one week older than the girls and over twenty years younger than Declan, Nattie, and Cooper—plows both twins down while he runs with a football the size of his head in his hands.

“Touchdown!” He spikes his ball as the girls start to cry. Both Belle and Katherine, Coach’s wife and Callen’s mother, run for the kids.

Bash and I move over to the bar in the back of the box where Sam is talking to Brady and Cooper. Beers are passed out as we approach, and Sam’s arm circles my waist, pulling me in close to him.

Belle walks over, looking frustrated with her kids until something catches her eye and her entire expression changes. “Oh my God. What is that on your finger?”

Blushing, I smile up at Sam before turning back to Belle and holding my hand out.

Bash slaps Sam on the back. “Way to go, Sammy.” Then he wraps me up in a hug. “You’re way too good for him, Amelia.”

Belle pulls him off me and holds my hand up in front of her. “Amelia...” she squeals and looks from me to Sam, then back. “I’m so happy for you!” She squeezes me tightly before I’m passed to Brady and Cooper.

Everyone is smiling. Celebrating. It’s a good day.

This is what family is supposed to be.

Maybe I made a mistake, and I should back out of my plans with the Kingstons today.

Quit while I’m ahead.

I hate to even admit to myself that I’m letting my nerves get the better of me, but it’s true. Momentarily lost in my own world, I missed whatever caused Sam’s grip on me to tighten, but when Bash moves towards the door, I know my chance to back out is gone. Standing in the door of the suite is Lenny with Scarlet by her side and a group of ridiculously tall men behind them.

One of the tall guys maneuvers around the women and heads in our direction. “Prince!” he bellows.

“King,” Sam answers a little less obnoxiously. Then he whispers in my ear, “This is Becket Kingston. I’ve known him for years.”

Taking a deep breath, I square my shoulders and turn to face the first of what’s bound to be a full-blown pack of Kingstons.

Brady and Cooper make room for Becket, and he slides into our small circle as if this isn’t at all uncomfortable for him. “Gentlemen.” He nods. “So Prince, aren’t you going to introduce us?”

Sam’s grip on my hip tightens. “Amelia, this is Becket. He’s a dick, but he means well.”

Becket laughs, and his smile lights up the room like fireworks on the Fourth of July. Incredible blue eyes, the color of the ocean, dance with excitement, and I find myself relaxing a bit. When I reach my hand out to him, he takes it gently, and I think, “Okay, I can handle this.” But then he pulls me toward him and embraces me in a hug, and I know I’m in over my head.

“Hands off, Becks,” Sam orders, but there’s no malice in his voice.

Becket is well over six feet tall with light brown hair and chiseled features that don’t match the sheepish smile he gives me when he lets go. “I’m sorry. It’s just that we’ve been searching for you for three years. After the first year of not being able to find anything, we were worried something had happened to you. But this last year... finding out you were alive but could be in trouble... We all wanted to be able to do something to help you if you needed it, and we couldn’t.”

Oh wow.

The tears build behind my eyes before I force them down. “You didn’t even know me.”

It’s then I realize that we’ve been joined by more Kingstons. A man I’ve seen in this box before takes a confident step forward. “It didn’t matter if we knew you. You’re one of us.”

Damnit. I don’t know whether I wanted to actually like these people, but they’re making it very hard not to.

Becket shakes his head at his brother. “You were supposed to wait your turn, Max.”

A strikingly beautiful woman who I have no doubt is Scarlet Kingston steps in front of both of her brothers. “You are all idiots.” She offers me her hand. “Scarlet. It’s nice to finally meet you, Amelia. Ignore our brothers. They’re like puppies. Obnoxious. Sometimes overly excitable. But they’re trainable, for the most part. Just don’t let them pee on your rug.”

They all stare at me with a Holy shit, she did not just say that look on their faces, waiting to see how I react. But when I smile and take Scarlet’s hand with a laugh, everyone breathes a sigh of relief. “Nice to meet you, Scarlet. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“From Lenny?” she asks, glancing toward her sister.

Belle moves next to me with Gracie on her hip. “Nope. From me,” she tells the group with a tilt of her head.