
The first thing I realize as I start to wake up is that my head is throbbing.

Why is my head throbbing?

Who is talking?

Why am I on the floor of the family room?

It starts to come back to me in flashes. Leah walking up the driveway. Me telling Tommy to stay in his room... Oh, God. Did he listen to me? I try to look around to find him but don’t see him anywhere.

I hear a voice say, “I mean, I know he fucks like a beast. It’s easy to fall for him, but you deluded yourself into thinking it was real. That was your first mistake. The second was when you thought you were going to be the mother of his children.”

Leah walks over and kicks my side. “Like I was ever going to let that happen.”

I try to get up, but when I try to put pressure on my arms, I’m reminded that she dislocated my shoulder.

Jesus, how am I going to get out of this?

“He was mine,” she continues. “Mine first. I laid claim to him my freshman year of college. He never dated anyone after me. He waited for me, for the timing to be right.”

Leah paces around the room. I’m pretty sure she’s talking to herself as much as she’s talking to me.

“Guess it’s time to force the timing to be right.” She spins back to me just as I hear the alarm that sounds whenever a sensor opens.

She quickly looks at the front door before turning to the kitchen.

I try to scramble to my feet and see... Bash and his brother push through the door.

What are they doing here?

Bash runs for me, and his brother tries to talk Leah down, who’s pulled the gun out of the back of her pants and is now waving both it and the knife wildly in the air.

Bash wraps an arm around my waist and hits my dislocated arm in the process, causing me to stifle a yelp.

When Leah waves the gun our way, he steps in front of me.

“You’re aiming a gun at my brother. You don’t want to do that,” Sam tells Leah in a tone that gives me chills.

She laughs. This fucking nut job actually laughs. Hysterically.

“Oh, yeah? And who exactly are you supposed to be? The cavalry? It doesn’t look like you’re in any position to tell me what to do, now does it?” She swings her gun between Sam and us. “One of us has a gun in this room, and it’s not any of you.”

“You have no idea who I am, lady, or the slow, painful ways I can make you beg for death before I finally give in and kill you.”

Everything that happens next feels like slow motion.

Leah lunges for Sammy.

Bash tries to intercept Leah, who manages to slash his side with the knife.

Blood shoots everywhere.

Sam lunges to take Leah down, but I get to her first when I swing Tommy’s three-foot animatronic T-Rex at her head, causing her to stumble but not fall. That is, until a single shot is fired, hitting Leah dead center between her eyes.

Sammy and I look toward the door, and I think Leah may have hit my head harder than I thought because I see Amelia holding a gun.

Then I throw up.