Amelia runs into the room, completely ignoring the very dead body on the hardwood floor. Dropping to her knees in front of me, she tries to help me up. “Jesus, Annabelle. Are you alright?”

“I’m fine. Help Bash.”

“You’re not fine, Belles,” Bash growls at me. “Where the hell is Tommy?”

“I’m up here,” he yells as he starts down the steps. “I heard something.”

“Amelia?” I ask, and she nods.

“Got it.” She gets up and moves to meet Tommy on the stairs. “Hey, Tommy boy. Let’s go wait outside, okay?”

How is she this calm?

How is this happening?

“What’s wrong with Bash?” Tommy asks innocently from the bottom of the stairs.

Bash groans. “I’m okay now that I know you are too, Tommy boy.”

“Yeah,” Amelia adds. “He got a boo-boo.” She angles Tommy away from where Sam is blocking Leah’s body.

Sam waits for Amelia to get Tommy out of the room. “What the fuck happened to listen to me and follow my lead, asshole? At no point did I tell you to lunge for the psychopath with the knife.” He check’s Leah’s pulse, then grabs the blanket off the back of the couch and drapes it over her.

“I was more worried about the gun she’d pulled on you,” Bash groans and stands up, his hand covering his bleeding wound.

“Well, next time, listen to me. That was a toy gun.” Sam kicks the gun away.

“What?” I ask in a half-scream. “She got me in here with a toy gun?” I stare at the blanket on my living room floor, and wonder when I entered the twilight zone.

“Don’t worry about it, dance teacher. That would have fooled most people.” He looks around the room. “I’m guessing the cops are gonna be here any second. Wanna get outside so we can get our stories straight with Snow White out there?”

We make our way out front to where Amelia and Tommy are sitting on the steps. My poor brother has no clue how close we came to losing everything today. Maybe I should say my fortunate brother got to stay oblivious to it all.

Amelia stands and eyes Bash’s brother. “Who are you?”

“Sam Beneventi. Who are you?” He cocks a brow.

She looks him up and down, unimpressed. “The girl who saved your ass.”

“Yeah... right. So, what’s the story?” Sam looks around at the three of us.

“The story is, I was coming to meet my friend to go to a football game, knocked on the front door, and nobody answered.” Wow. I didn’t even hear her knock. “I thought I heard shouting, so I went to the side door. It was wide open. I looked inside, and saw her slash Bash across the stomach, then aim a gun at tall, dark hitman over there.”

We all wait for Amelia to continue, but she stares at us first. “Well, you all know the rest. She aimed it at him, and I’m faster and have a better aim.” She looks at me. “It was self-defense.”

“Why did you have a gun?” I ask.

“Where did you learn to shoot like that?” Bash seconds.

“Self-defense” is all she gets to say before the police invade my ordinarily quiet street, and my brother shoots off the steps and wraps his arms around me.