The next two weeks fly by much the same as the last two did. Tommy and I have one routine between home, school, and the studio. Nattie and I have another routine at the studio. She keeps bugging me to add another teacher because we’re turning students away since we’re stretched so thin. But it’s just not something I can afford yet, not that I tell her that.
Even Declan and I have settled into a little bit of a routine. He drops by on Tuesday afternoons with lunch, and we do dinner and a movie with Tommy on Friday nights. I think he’s trying to prove to me that I have room in my life for more. For him. But I’m not sure I’m ready to take the chance yet. Although I do find myself looking forward to those precious few hours we get to spend together.
We’ve both been good about keeping things where I’m comfortable. Dec does a good job of not pushing, but I don’t know how long he’s going to be willing to settle for sitting next to me on a couch or watching me work on the studio’s books while he eats lunch.
Today, however, I’m trying out a new routine. One of the universities in the city has a school of autism studies. Tommy already takes social skills classes there weekly, and this week, we’ve added Saturday sports and skills camp. They offer all-day sessions, which is perfect for a Saturday. This means he doesn’t have to come to the studio with me, and maybe he’ll enjoy himself and get to learn a new sport. He’s going to spend his morning there while I teach three classes at Hart & Soul.
The sky is the color of an angry bruise this morning. It’s not really dark blue, more like deep purple with hints of blacks and darker blues, warning us the heavens are going to open up and soak the world at any minute. I took a chance last night and told the girls I’d meet them this morning for coffee at Amelia’s shop. I have one hour before I have to be in the studio and jumped at the chance for a little girl time. I’m just hoping that I don’t get a call that Tommy needs me to pick him up.
Chloe and I are the first to arrive at the shop. We’re sitting at a table in the back corner, waiting for Nattie and Sabrina when Amelia finally gets a lull in customers and decides to sit with us for a minute. She looks Chloe over, assessing. “So...” She drags the word out. “You’re not the peppy dance teacher who brings Tommy in, and I’ve seen the senator’s daughter on the news, that must make you Chloe.”
Chloe cracks up, “Um, yeah. Definitely not the peppy dance teacher because she’s banging my brother. So, ick. And the senator’s daughter has a name. It’s Sabrina. If you’re trying to get a feel for Belle’s friends, I’m the youngest and loudest of the bunch. Don’t be judgy, and it’ll be nice to meet you, Amelia.” Chloe offers her hand, and Amelia shakes it and smiles at me.
“Damn, Belle, you have a crazy crew, don’t you?” she asks as a buzzer goes off in the kitchen, causing her to disappear behind the swinging doors.
Chloe relaxes back in her crushed-velvet burgundy wingback chair. I love the funky furniture Amelia has in the shop. It’s got a very Central Perk vibe.
“Well, that’s Amelia. I think she likes to act tough on the outside, but she’s really a softy deep down,” I tell Chloe.
“I’m not soft,” is hollered from the kitchen, before Amelia adds, “and I’ve got great hearing and even better acoustics. Might want to keep that in mind, Belle.” Then she cackles.
Swear to God, she cackles like a witch.
Chloe leans back and sips her hot chocolate. “I think I’m gonna like her.”
When the front door opens, the howling wind bounces off the walls of the shop as Sabrina and Nattie hurry in and shake the rain off their coats. They both drop down onto the couch opposite Chloe and me. Nattie helps herself to my coffee before I smack her hand. “Give it back, brat.”
“You love me, and you know it.” She sticks her tongue out at me. “I need more caffeine. I never sleep when Brady’s traveling for a game.” She takes another big sip, then stands and pulls Sabrina up. “Come on. Let’s go order so we can gossip before Belles has to go.”
A few minutes later, we’re all munching on sweets and sipping liquid gold when Chloe breaks the calm. “Sooooo...” Her eyes zero in on Sabrina. “Brina. All good now with your parents and Murphy? Has Mommy Dearest sucked it up yet and apologized?”
Sabrina’s parents had an issue with her dating Murphy that led to a huge family fight. They seemed to have straightened it out but were recently all in a room together for the first time since it happened.
“Yeah, she’s good now.” Brina thinks about it for a minute. “Well, as good as she’s going to be. You know my family. Dad was just reelected, and he’s already strategizing his next move. Murphy and I have both been given parts to play.”
Brina turns to me. “How about you, Belles? What’s going on with you and Declan?”
“Yeah, Belles.” Nattie wastes no time jumping on this bandwagon. “What’s going on with you and my brother?”
Of course, this is when Amelia comes out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron. Today, it’s chocolate-brown with a minty-green cupcake on the front. Guess she felt like switching it up. “Why yes, Annabelle. I haven’t been able to get an answer to that question yet either.”
My head snaps to Amelia. “Hey! You’re supposed to be on my side. You don’t even know these little traitors.” I glare at my three laughing friends.
She points at each girl. “Chloe, Sabrina, and peppy dance teacher.”
“Hey,” Nattie pouts. “I’ve introduced myself to you before.”
“I know. You strike me as the eternally happy cheerleader type. And, since I’m not, I may enjoy giving you a hard time about it.” She shrugs her shoulders and cocks her head to the side. “Sorry, not sorry?” It sounds like a question but it’s not.
“Okay.” Nat nods. “That’s fair. I can deal with that.” Then the blonde brat turns back to me. “Come on, Belles. What’s up with you and my brother?”
I put my cup down on the table and my hands in my lap in an attempt to not strangle Nattie. “I know it’s not the answer you all want, but we’re just very good friends. I’m telling you guys, I have enough on my plate. I don’t think I can handle much more than that.”
“Oh, I’m sure there’s a whole lot of Declan to handle too.” Chloe taps her hot chocolate against Brina’s cup as if to say “Cheers,” and I choke on my coffee.
Amelia shakes her head and huffs. “Maybe you guys can talk some sense into her. I’m telling you, Belle, you need to make time.” She heads back into the kitchen.