“Fish sticks?” I ask, confused.

She shakes her head and nods towards Tommy. “Oh... Fish sticks. Gotcha.” I hadn’t thought about the fact that she needs to watch what she says in front of her brother and all her baby ballerinas. I guess that has to get sticky when he’s around the guys. I cannot imagine any of the guys being good at watching what they say. I’m sure they try, but still...

“Remind me to tell you about the cupcakes later.” I move next to her and push her hair away from her face, shocked when she only tilts her head up to look at me but doesn’t back away. I lower my voice, “I was worried about you this weekend.”

She glances quickly at Tommy. “We’re fine, Dec. I told you that Saturday night and Sunday morning.”

“You okay with me coming over again Friday night?” I twirl her soft hair absently around my finger, and she nods her head.

“Yes,” she whispers. “Will you let me make dinner this time? You didn’t touch the pizza last week.”

“Yeah, pizza’s not really on my approved food list during the season. How about you pick a place and I’ll order take out? Just make sure to pick a place Tommy likes. Better yet, just text me what I should order.” I move my hand under her hair and start to rub her neck.

Belle hums and tilts her head. “Sounds good.” Her hand grips my wrist before she adds, “Thank you.”

I lean down and kiss her forehead. “See ya Friday, Annabelle.” I gently rap my knuckles on the desk in front of Tommy to get his attention. When he looks up, I add, “Friday night, little man. Pick out a good movie, okay?”

“Jurassic World!” he announces... loudly with an infectious smile plastered on his face.

Annabelle laughs, and I know I just earned an inch.

We actually sat down to dinner at the dining room table Friday night since Tommy picked spaghetti and meatballs from his favorite Italian place for take-out. Not exactly a picnic kinda meal. This meant the movie started later than last week, and by the time his favorite raptor, Blue, is saving the day at the end of the movie, little man is starting to fall asleep on the blanket he’s wrapped up in on the floor.

This kid cracks me up. He knows exactly how many millions of years ago each species of dinosaur lived, whether they were from the Jurassic or Crustaceous period, and what their real names are. Apparently, a brontosaurus was also thought to be an apatosaurus at some point, but those scientists were wrong. This week, Tommy told me all about wanting to be a paleontologist when he grows up so he can make sure no dinosaur is forgotten. I think I might have fallen in love a little bit right then.

When the credits roll and Tommy doesn’t move, Belle, who’s been sitting next to me and painting her nails, whispers, “I think he’s asleep.”

“Want me to carry him upstairs?” I offer.

She shakes her head no. “He needs to go to the bathroom before he goes to bed. Let me just get him moving, then I’ll be back down.”

Once the two of them are upstairs, I move into the kitchen and clean up what little mess we left earlier before slipping my feet back in my boots. Tonight was a good night. I wasn’t sure how Belle would act around me after our FaceTiming session last weekend. But she wasn’t awkward, and I think I’m starting to gain a little ground. I’m still in the friend zone, but I’d say I’m getting closer to crossing the fifty-yard line.

When she finds me lacing my boots up, she looks a little disappointed.

“You heading home already?” She moves further into the kitchen and leans against the counter.

I lean against the edge of the kitchen table across from her. “Yeah. We’ve got a walk-through tomorrow. Gotta get some sleep tonight.” I take a chance and reach out, grabbing her hand and pulling her between my legs. “Are you and Tommy coming to the game Sunday? I know Dad said his box isn’t even close to being full this week.”

Belle’s palms rest on my chest, not pushing me away. “Well, I can’t exactly tell your biggest fan that we’re going to miss it, now, can I?”

I move my hands to her hips, a current of electricity drawing me to her. “Nope. That little man can get whatever he wants, and he knows it.” I’d give him the world if I could. I’d give them both everything if she’d let me.

Annabelle tips her head up and flutters her long black lashes. “What are we doing, Declan? I don’t think I’m ready for this yet.”

My heart soars and sinks at the same time. I can handle her not being ready for this because my girl put “yet” on the end of that sentence. I hold her face in my hands and kiss the top of her head. “We’re becoming really good friends, Belle, so that when you’re ready for more, we’ve already built the foundation we need.”

With strength I didn’t know I possessed, I stand to my full height, force myself to drop my hands, and pull my keys out of my pocket. “Will you guys stick around Sunday after the game? Maybe I could take Tommy on a tour of the locker room.”

She nods gently.

“Night, Belles.”

“Sweet dreams, Dec.”