“Sure. I’m heading over to the studio once I get my caffeine fix. Why don’t you follow me over and we can get you registered? I just have a few releases I need you to sign.”

Amelia pops out of the swinging doors. “Okay, Annabelle, let me guess. Large pumpkin spice?”

“You know me so well already,” I laugh and pick up my bag. “Can you throw a muffin in there too, please?”

She turns around to make my coffee. “I sure can. Did Tommy get to give the doggy cookies to his new buddy this weekend?” Amelia’s face lights up. My brother sure can win over the pretty girls.

“He did, and Rocky loved them. We saw them Saturday before the Kroydon Crusaders game. You’ve really got to come with us next time. It’s a lot of fun.” We stopped in to get the cookies for Rocky on our way to Nattie’s before the game Saturday. Tommy hasn’t stopped talking about the pudgy bulldog for a week.

“Oh, yeah. What about the Kings? Are you going to be watching that man of yours in person anytime soon?” I swear to God everyone has turned into Natalie this week.

“He’s not my man,” I mumble. “But I think we might be going to the game next weekend. I’ll let you know if we get tickets.”

Amelia’s entire face lights up. “Yes! I love football. The food, the lights, the hot players in tight pants.”

When I look at her in shock, she laughs and holds up her hands. “No worries. I know not to look at the quarterback. But does he have any friends? You may be in denial, but I’d be happy to climb a few trees.” Amelia winks at me, hands me my coffee and muffin, and then rings me up.

Leah, who I forgot was still in the room, clears her throat and then laughs. “Wow. You’re dating the Kings’ quarterback? The one from Notre Dame?” she asks.

“Jesus. You girls are way bigger football fans than me. I don’t think I’d have a clue where Declan went if it weren’t for his family,” I tell them both and then look at Leah. “We’re really just good friends, but everyone keeps getting that mixed up.”

“Sure you are, Belle. Maybe if you tell yourself that enough you might actually start to believe it. Was he, or was he not at your house Friday night?” Amelia crosses her arms over her chest and waits for an answer.

“Oh, wow. He was at your house?” Leah asks, more to herself than to me. “The Kings’ quarterback?”

I glance between her and Amelia. I’m not sure who I’m more annoyed with. Amelia for being a little right or me for having to admit that to myself. “Whatever. Thanks for the sustenance. I’ll catch up with you tomorrow, Amelia.” Turning around, I ask Leah, “Are you ready to head to the studio, or do you want to drop by later?”

She smiles an overly excited smile, leaving me to wonder how much coffee she’s already consumed. “Lead the way.”