
Wednesday night, I decided to swing by Hart & Soul after a meeting with Scarlet and Hunter. We hammered out the final details of both interviews I agreed to. Hunter gave Scarlet all the information on my endorsements and thinks I might finally be on Ms. Kingston’s good side. According to her, this will be as good for the organization as it will be for me.

I wanted to ask if we were talking about sex because she was talking about it like we were about to fuck, but I managed to keep my inner sixteen-year-old quiet and sat back, counting down the minutes until I could get the hell out of there.

When I got into the Bronco, my phone was already ringing with a call from Hunter, who had joined the meeting via Skype. When I finally swipe to answer, the asshole is laughing. “Jesus, Declan. Could you have possibly looked less interested in there? We just signed two deals that are going to make your children’s children rich, and you looked like you couldn’t get the hell out of there fast enough, man.”

“Just make sure we get the questions for both interviews ahead of time and tell me where I need to be and when.” I end the call as I pull in front of the studio and get out of the Bronco. I haven’t talked to Belle since Sunday morning. I did speak to Nattie earlier today, and she was more than happy to help me with a little recon on Belle’s schedule. She should be here tonight for another hour or so.

The lobby is full of parents putting coats on excited tiny ballerinas, but my attention is immediately drawn to the front desk when I hear my name exclaimed above all the noise. Tommy is sitting in the chair with Brady next to him. He’s bouncing in his seat when he turns to Brady and tells him, “My best friend, Declan, is here.”

“Tommy boy, I thought I was your best friend.” Brady feigns hurt.

Tommy’s head bobs up and down in agreement. “I have lots of best friends and one girlfriend.”

Brady and I exchange shocked looks before I lean on the desk. “So tell me, who’s this girlfriend? Does your sister know?”

Tommy goes back to playing on his iPad. “Well, it used to be Nattie. Then it was Carys. But now, it’s Amelia.” Those Hart dimples pop in his cheeks. “Amelia makes the best cupcakes.” He never looks up at either of us, which is a good thing because both Brady and I are trying hard not to laugh.

“Yeah, kid. It’s important to like your girl’s cupcakes.” Brady’s grin grows as he says that before he steps behind Tommy so I can’t hit him.

Instead, I glare. “No talking about my sister’s cupcakes in front of me. I like to think she doesn’t have cupcakes. Got it, Ryan?”

“Uh-oh, you just got last-named by Declan. What’d you do, Brady?” Nattie wraps an arm around my waist then stretches to kiss my cheek. “Hey, Dec. Brady and I are grabbing pizza after this. Wanna come?”

“Thanks for the invite, kid. I’ve got to get home. Long day.” Annabelle comes out of her office, followed by the douchey dad from last week, and my urge to grab her is strong. Kinda proud of myself for not just throwing her over my shoulder and taking her right back into the office for a few minutes of alone time.

“Declan, are you coming over to our house again this Friday? Can we do pizza and a movie again? Please?” Tommy asks excitedly, quickly glancing up as he bounces in his seat.

I could kiss this kid for his perfect timing. Douchey Dad just heard that, and it looks like he sucked a lemon.

Good. Asshole.

Annabelle moves in next to Tommy and runs her fingers through his hair. “Tommy, Declan may be busy Friday.”

“Nope. My Friday is completely open for you, little man.”

Tommy’s hand shoots up in the air for a high-five, and Annabelle sucks in a quick breath.

I high-five his chubby hand, and she looks shocked.

I try to get her to look at me, but she smiles and shakes her head as if to clear her thoughts. When she turns to Douchey Dad and thanks him for his help, his smile is arrogant in return. “Anything for you, Annabelle.” He looks down at his little girl and squeezes her hand. “Alright, Livvie. Say goodbye.”

The little girl smiles. “See you next week, Miss Annabelle. Bye, Miss Natalie.”

Nattie fakes a shiver once they’re out the door. “I don’t know how such a sweet little girl can have such a slimy dad.”

“He’s not slimy, Nat,” Belle admonishes.

“Whatever. He gives me the creeps.” Moving around the desk, Nat kisses the top of Tommy’s head. “Give me a minute to get my stuff together, QB, and I’ll be ready to go home.” She practically skips down the hall to Belle’s office and shuts the door behind her.

Annabelle finally looks at me. “Hey, Dec. What’s up?”

Brady clears his throat. “I’m gonna go see if Nattie needs help.” Then he follows my sister down the hall.

“Smooth, Ryan. Real smooth,” I chuckle. “Don’t eat any cupcakes in Belle’s office.”

“What the fu— fish sticks are you talking about?” Belle asks.