I burst into tears. “Why are you so good to me when I’m such an asshole?”

“Because I love you, Belle. It’ll be my turn to be the asshole next time.” Dec’s voice is calm and soothing. “I’ve been worried about you. Did you make a doctor’s appointment?” The concern in his voice breaks my heart.

“I did. It’s all good. I’m gonna head home soon. Practice hard, babe. Love you.” I don’t wait for him to answer before I disconnect the call. I don’t want to lie to him about the doctor’s appointment, but I would never tell him something like this over the phone.

Pulling out of my parking space, I decide to skip the police department and call them instead. No update yet. They said the police report should be available by Friday if I need it for insurance purposes and that they’ll keep in touch. Great. That just reminded me that I completely forgot about calling my insurance company.

When I walk in my front door, exhaustion takes hold, and I decide to call the insurance company after I lay down on the couch for a few minutes. I kick off my brown leather riding boots and get comfy on the couch. My pretty knee-high socks with the ruffle at the top are pulled up over my black leggings, and I’m wearing one of Declan’s black Philadelphia Kings hoodies, keeping me nice and toasty. Once I lay my head down, my eyes close as I drift off to sleep in the pale afternoon sunlight.

“Baby, wake up.”

I hear the words. At least I think I do. But I don’t want to open my eyes.

“Belle, what time do we need to get Tommy? You’ve got to wake up.”

I feel a warm hand caress my face and force myself to open an eye. “Hmm?”

“Babe, it’s three o’clock. What time does his social skills group end today?” Declan’s smooth voice is so soothing, I want to pull him down with me and go back to sleep. That is, until what he said finally registers, and I shoot up to a sitting position. Something I immediately regret doing when my stomach revolts, and I’m forced to run to the bathroom.

Declan follows me in and holds my hair while I vomit up bile since I’m a moron who didn’t eat anything today, leaving me to dry heave until the nausea subsides. When I finally stop, Dec wets the hand towel from the towel rack and wipes my face before he picks me up and carries me back to the couch.

“Belle, you should have told me you were still sick. I would have come home.” He sits me down gently and pulls the cream-colored Sherpa-lined blanket off the back of the couch to wrap me in, then squats down in front of me.

“Cracker. Please.” My throat hurts so badly from vomiting up nothing that my words come out scratchy. “I think there’s ginger ale in the pantry. Could I have some of that too?”

I close my eyes until he makes it back with my soda and crackers and pray this helps.

Declan sits on the ottoman in front of me and hands me my drink before he opens a sleeve of saltines. Thank goodness these are Tommy’s favorite crackers when he doesn’t feel well and I always keep a box or two in our pantry. I sip slowly and force down a few crackers before I look at the man in front of me whose entire life is about to change.

He tries one of my crackers. “These are disgusting. How do you eat these?” Dec moves next to me on the couch, gently wraps his arm around me, and leans me against him. “Baby, what time do we need to get Tommy? I’ll pick him up. You just rest.” His fingers are running through my hair, and it feels so nice. It’s the only thing that’s felt nice today.

I slowly turn my head. “The late bus is bringing him home today. I spoke to someone this morning, and they said he should be here between four-thirty and five.” I lean my head against his shoulder for a minute, soaking up his warmth. “I talked to them about the media and made sure they knew not to give out any information or let anyone in. I also verified the people who are allowed to sign him out. They promised me we’re safe.”

“Okay, good. Why don’t you let me help you upstairs and get changed into pajamas then?” He kisses the top of my head gently.

I lift my head to look at this man I don’t deserve. “I love you, Declan. I’m sorry I pushed you away. I was scared and took it out on you. It wasn’t fair, and I shouldn’t have done it.”

Dec pulls me off the couch. “I’m so sorry this happened, Belle.”

“It wasn’t your fault. You can’t control everything.”

We head up to our room where I change into my softest pale-blue lounge pants and shirt and wrap myself up in my favorite white sweater. I step into the bathroom to brush my teeth before coming back out to Dec, who’s sitting on the bed, his head hung low.

“I hate this, Belle. I hate that you had to deal with what happened at the studio without me. I hate that you and Tommy have been dragged into this media circus and it’s my fault. I fucking hate it.”

I walk to him, place my arms around his neck and stand between his legs. “Declan Sinclair, you listen to me, and you listen good.” My fingers grip his head and force his eyes up to me. “You’re the strongest man I know, but you cannot control everything. You’ve gotta let go of that idea. I promise to never shut you out again. I shut down when I get scared. And everything about yesterday scared me. Please be patient with me.”

I move my hands to trace his strong jaw. “You and I will make sure Tommy is protected...” Oh God, Tommy and the babies.

“I would never let anything happen to either of you, Belle.” His strong arms wrap around my back.

I turn and sit down on his lap. When I see the love shining in his eyes, I know we’ll be okay. “What if there were more of us to protect?”

“What are you talking about, Belles?” His arm tightens around my waist while the other one absently twirls my hair.

I love when he plays with my hair.

“I love you, Declan.” I feel my chest rise and fall with my deep inhale and exhale.