His inky-blue eyes glisten back at me. “I love you too, Belle.”

I reach into the pocket of my sweater and pull out the sonogram image the doctor gave me. “Declan, I went to the doctor this morning. But not my primary. I went to my ob-gyn.”

This incredible man looks confused, so I hand him the picture before telling him, “I needed a gynecologist to confirm that the six pregnancy tests I took were all correct.”

A million emotions flash across those indigo-blue eyes before settling on fear.

He leans back, eyes shining with tears. “Is your IUD going to hurt the baby?” This man...

I shake my head, and my own tears start to fall. It might as well be my theme for the day. “No, my doctor said it looks like the IUD came loose and fell out before I got pregnant.”

“So, the baby’s okay? You’re okay?” he asks, his voice unsteady.

I nod. “Yes. I’m fine. It’s just morning sickness. Both babies are fine too.” I point to the two little dots on the image.

Declan’s hands frame my face. “We’re having twins?”

“Yes. We’re having twins. I heard their heartbeats today, and they were so strong, Dec. I wished you were there.” I hold his face in my hands, mirroring him, and pray my kids get their father’s eyes.

“I’ll never miss another appointment, Belle.” He holds me tightly in his arms, and I let myself believe for the first time today that everything is going to be okay. “I love you, Belle. You and Tommy and this family we’re creating. You’re my entire world.” He lightly brushes his lips over mine.

I can’t help but be relieved that I didn’t destroy the best thing that ever happened to me last night.

Dec moves me off his lap and stands. “Let’s get married this weekend.”

Wait... what?