Bash gently shoves his brother. “Don’t listen to him. Have you seen Amelia?”

“No.” My eyes meet Declan’s, and he shakes his head no. “Would you let me know if you hear from her? I’ve got to stay overnight but should be out tomorrow.”

Bash agrees, then leans down and kisses my forehead. “Do you want me to tell the horde of people I’m assuming are in the waiting room that you’re awake?”

I exchange a look with Declan and then agree. As Bash straightens to leave, I grasp his hand and look from him to Sam. “Thank you. Thank you for everything. You’re my heroes.”

“Don’t go ruining my reputation, ballerina.” Sam’s lips tip up into a crooked smile before he looks at Declan. “I want that trophy, quarterback.” He quietly exits the room, and Bash follows him out.

A few minutes later, Nattie and Cooper knock on the door, and Tommy runs through. “Slow down, Tommy boy. Belles doesn’t feel great,” Nattie gently warns him.

Declan moves so Tommy can sit in the chair next to the bed. Nat sits on the bed by my feet, and Cooper stands behind her before speaking, “They’re only letting two of us in at a time, but they made an exception for the little man.”

“Are you hurt, Belles? Did they give you band-aids?” Tommy asks innocently.

“I’m fine, bud. I just have to wear this sling for two weeks, and then I’ll be good as new.” Not totally accurate, but he doesn’t need to know about the concussion or bruised ribs.

Tommy eyes all the tubes and wires connecting me to the machines. “What’s that?” he asks, pointing at the babies’ heart monitor.

“That’s the babies’ heartbeats. See?” I point up. “Baby A Sinclair is red, and Baby B Sinclair is blue.”

Tommy thinks about that for a minute. “Belles, are you a Sinclair now?”

“I guess I am,” I tell him, looking around at Declan, Nattie, and Cooper.

Tommy’s eyes do the same before he says, “You’re all Sinclairs. And the babies are gonna be Sinclairs too?”

Declan sits on the arm of the chair and squeezes Tommy’s shoulder. “That’s what happens when you get married, bud.”

“But I’m not a Sinclair. Can I be a Sinclair too?” There’s a gasp in the room before those eyes that look so much like mine beg me to say yes.

I look at Declan, not knowing what to say.

“You wanna change your name, bud? You want to be Tommy Sinclair instead of Tommy Hart?” Dec asks him gently.

“I want both,” he tells us with the innocence only a child can possess.

Cooper moves closer to Tommy. “I think that sounds perfect, little man. Tommy David Hart Sinclair. It has a nice ring to it.” He moves behind Tommy, who’s smiling as proud as a peacock right now.

“Tommy Hart Sinclair.” Nattie kisses his cheek. “Perfect!”

Tommy grimaces and wipes away the kiss.

“We’ll get it done as soon as we can, bud,” Declan tells him.

“The Sinclairs are gonna have a lot of Harts,” my little brother adds, having no idea how right he is.