
Two days later, I’m at Coach and Katherine’s house, losing my mind a little. My house is a crime scene, and we aren’t allowed back in yet. I’m okay with that because I don’t know how I’m going to feel walking back into the place that used to hold some of my happiest memories but now also holds my worst nightmare. I’ve been waited on hand and foot since I got out of the hospital yesterday, and it’s driving me a little crazy. For someone like me who’s not used to that, it’s not easy.

I’m sore, not dying.

But I have to remind myself that it’s coming out of a place of love. At the moment, I’m sitting on the couch with Cooper and Linc, watching an Avengers marathon while Declan is at practice. This room is the epitome of comfort, with an oversized, buttery-soft brown leather sectional sofa in the center and a big-screen television over the fireplace. The guys started a fire when we turned on the first Captain America movie, and it’s been roaring since. I’m warm and as comfortable as I’m going to get right now. “So, are you guys excited about the next phase of your training? Still glad you’re pushing to be SEALs?”

Linc is sitting at the far end of the couch in one of the built-in recliners, looking pretty comfy himself in a Navy hoodie and sweats, his buzz cut already starting to grow in. He shrugs. “I’ll miss the home-cooked meals again, but I’m ready. It’s going to be harder to get back to the rigidity of training after spending two weeks with y’all.”

I love his southern accent.

Coop doesn’t look as excited. “I hate that I won’t be able to fly home when the babies are born. I’m still happy with my decision, but missing everything definitely makes it harder.”

“We’ll fly out, Coop. You’ll get weekend leave, and we’ll fly out to you. We’ll make it work. I promise.” I pull the throw blanket up a little higher and feel ready to cry for the ten millionth time today. Fucking hormones. “Now pass me some damn popcorn. The twins are hungry.”

Popcorn immediately hits my face. “Did you just throw popcorn at me?” I ask, astonished.

“Welcome to the family, Belles.” Cooper’s smile grows right before he gets beaned in the head with a peanut M&M. “What the fuck?” he yells at Murphy and Bash, who’ve just entered the room.

“We don’t throw food at ladies, Coop. You’re never gonna get a girl that way. Do we need to work on what you need to do to get laid?” Murphy’s laughing so hard at his own joke he doesn’t see the slap coming to the back of his head from Carys, who walked in behind the guys.

“Cooper doesn’t have time for girls. He’s in training, you moron.” She walks around the couch and sits down between Coop and me. Carys grabs the bowl of popcorn from Coop’s lap and places it in mine. “Please tell me guys get smarter as they get older, Annabelle?”

“The right guys do,” I chuckle.

Everyone finds a spot to sit down as we watch Captain America and Iron Man battle it out against each other. Just as I pop a piece of popcorn in my mouth, the doorbell rings. Carys checks an app on her phone. “Amelia’s at the door.”

“Oh, thank God.” I get up gingerly from the couch and rush as much as my body will let me. Once I open the front door, I see Amelia standing on the porch in her jeans and hoodie. Her black hair is held back by a red bandana, and her hands are shoved in her pockets. “You’re here. Are you okay? You’ve got to be freezing,” I say, my breath visible in the cold air as I step aside for her to come in.

We hear the groans coming from the family room as I guide us into the formal living room to give us some privacy. “Wow. Sounds like the whole team’s here.” Amelia sits down on the couch across from the giant Christmas tree, then turns to face me. “Are you okay? I mean, I read your texts. So I know you’re going to be okay. But are you really okay?”

“That’s a whole lot of okays.” She stares at me, unblinking. I guess making light of the situation isn’t going to work. “How about I’m doing pretty well, and the babies are fine? How are you? You’ve gotten my texts, but you haven’t answered a single one.” I sit down next to her, careful to not jostle my slinged arm.

“I’m alright. The cops agreed it was self-defense and won’t be pressing charges.” She looks uncomfortable. Not nervous, but something’s up.

“Is there more?” I ask, worried for her.

Amelia cocks her head to the side and thinks about it before answering. “There is, but I’m not ready to talk about it yet. I don’t know if I ever will be.”

“I’ll be here when you are,” I tell her honestly.

“Yeah. I guess saving someone’s life means you’re stuck with them, right? Are you like my bitch now or something? Oh, I know. Can I name one of the babies?” A smile is plastered on her face, but it’s not genuine.

I guess I’ll have to wait her out until she’s ready to talk. “Nope. No naming babies. Bash and Sammy already tried that.”

“Oh yeah? How is the tall, dark, and handsome hitman and his kid brother?” There’s a glimmer in her eye. That’s interesting.

“Bash is good. He’s already coming up with stories to tell when someone asks about his new scar. And I guess Sam’s good. We haven’t seen him since the day it happened.” I don’t think any of us want to relive that day.

Amelia nods in agreement. “Scars are cool.”

“That’s what I said!” is yelled from the other room.

The two of us laugh. “No privacy in this house, huh?” she asks.

“Nope. Declan has a realtor lined up for us later this week. We’re gonna check out a few houses.” Not much of a choice now.

“Wow. Is Kroydon Hills losing its favorite it couple?” she asks.