Page 17 of Her Dirty Cowboys

“Antibiotic,” the woman said, then frowned. “But it’s just for cows. I didn’t even know we still had any because Derek is fanatical about keeping it locked up in the other barn away from the stables. It helps cows, but it’s poisonous to horses.”

I immediately thought back to Janessa’s animals that had been poisoned. And the ones we’d heard about at the Josephsons’ ranch. If the same person behind the poisonings was also starting to attack the ranchers themselves?

Yeah, this situation had just started to feel a lot more dangerous.

Chapter 5

Daisy Lynn

The drive back to the police station seemed to take a lot longer than it had to get from the diner to Derek Winslow’s ranch. Maybe because Prescott was actually driving the speed limit this time, or maybe because he hadn’t said much since we’d left the ranch. Or maybe it was all in my head. It was hard to be sure after the night we’d had.

“I didn’t get a chance to thank you for your help back there,” Prescott said, glancing in my direction. “I obviously would have preferred if you’d stayed out of harm’s way, but… I appreciate what you did.”

“I wish I could have done more,” I said, thinking back on how frightened I’d been. “It all happened so fast, and I guess I sort of froze up. Do you think he’s going to be okay?”

“You did great,” he said, and he seemed sincere. Prescott might have been a little—okay, maybe a lot—rough around the edges, but I could already tell he wasn’t the kind of guy who said things he didn’t mean. And even though the compliment had been delivered in a gruff sort of way, there was no mistaking that it was genuine. “It’s too early to know about Derek. As long as there’s no internal damage, he should be fine. I know they’ll take good care of him at the hospital.” Prescott made a frustrated sound as his hands tightened on the steering wheel. “I just hope he can tell us who did this to him. There’s nothing I’d like more than to get my hands on the son of a bitch.” He exhaled loudly then glanced at me again. “Sorry. It’s just frustrating. What happened back there was completely senseless. Unprovoked. Uncalled for.”

I nodded. “I understand. You don’t have to apologize. I’m friends with Janessa, remember? I’ve heard worse language.”

He laughed. “She’s certainly a firecracker. She comes from a good family, though. The Thoresons are good people. Everyone around here is, in my opinion. Everyone works hard and minds their own business. That’s what makes these poisonings—and now this incident with Derek—so troubling. I just can’t figure out where it’s coming from or what the motive might be.”

“You’ll figure it out, though,” I said, meaning it. I still didn’t know all the details of the poisonings and had absolutely no clue who might be behind them, but knowing that Prescott and Cole were handling the case made me feel a whole lot better about closing my eyes to fall asleep at night. “You and Cole will find the person behind this craziness and you’ll put them away. I know you will. You’re the good guys.”

He didn’t say anything else, but I could see a faint smile on his lips as we pulled up in front of the police station. “I just have to file a report and then I can take you back to the Triple J. Thank you for being so patient tonight. I promise I’ll make it up to you really soon.”

My heart started beating faster as I wondered just how he planned on doing that. I considered teasing him a little by asking, but this didn’t really feel like an appropriate time for flirting. And then when we stepped inside the station and saw Cole, any remaining flirty thoughts were completely squashed.

“Date night still going on?” Cole asked. It was hard to tell who he was talking to, since he wasn’t looking at either of us. If he was trying to make me feel uncomfortable, though, it was definitely working.

Prescott stopped in front of Cole’s desk and stared down at him until Cole finally looked up to meet his gaze. “Just gonna file this report and then I’ll be out of your hair,” Prescott grated, his words short and clipped. “Unless you have something to say about that, too?”

Even from across the room, I could see the muscle in Cole’s jaw clench and relax at least three times before he replied. “You can do whatever you want,” he said with a dismissive shrug. Then he looked over at me and added, “I already know you’re going to anyway.”

I thought Prescott said something back to him, but I couldn’t be sure. My face was burning with anger and embarrassment. It was one thing for these two guys to have their own little competition or whatever the hell it was, but they didn’t need to include me in it. I’d never wanted that, and I’d thought I’d made it clear to both of them.

Apparently not.

“I’m just going to go,” I spat, causing both their heads to jerk back in my direction. Thank God my voice was firm and unwavering for once, in spite of my anger. I turned to Prescott first. “Thank you for tonight. I had a really nice time and… and I’m glad I was able to help out a little at the ranch.” Then I turned my attention to Cole. “And thank you for last night. That was fun, too. But…” I paused, drawing in a deep breath. This wasn’t what I wanted, but it was for the best. Especially if there was going to be this ridiculous tension every time we were all in the same place together. “But I think it would be best if I didn’t see either of you again.”

They both spoke at once, trying to get me to stop and listen, but I wouldn’t. Couldn’t. I turned and hurried out the door, then ducked around the side of the building since I was almost certain they’d be out the door after me in a matter of seconds. I ran down the alley and around the back of the neighboring building, then kept on running until I was completely out of breath and at least a block away.

I could hear them calling my name in the distance. Their voices sounded angry. Angry at me? Angry at each other? I didn’t know. I didn’t really care anymore.

I just didn’t want to deal with that awkward tension. Not for something that was only supposed to be a little bit of fun.

My hands were trembling as I sent a text to Janessa.

I’m downtown. Come get me. Please hurry.

* * *

“What happened?” Janessa asked as soon as I got into her car.

“Are you okay?” Becca turned around to look back at me from where she was sitting in the passenger seat. “I thought you were supposed to be with the sheriff, but we passed him on our way here.”

“I was with him.” I was suddenly feeling exhausted. The events of the night had finally caught up with me, and it was taking all my energy just to keep my eyes open. Trying to explain everything that had gone wrong tonight felt like an impossible task. “But there was this thing—this emergency out at Derek Winslow’s ranch.”

Janessa gasped and looked at me through the rearview mirror. “Is he okay? What happened?”