Page 18 of Her Dirty Cowboys

“Someone attacked him. He was bleeding from his head, but I think he’s going to be okay. It’s honestly all sort of a blur in my mind right now.”

“Oh, my God,” they gasped.

“That’s horrible,” Janessa said. “And we were so excited for your date. So, is that why you weren’t with the sheriff? Your text made it sound like you were in trouble.”

“Yeah, we were really worried,” Becca added. “But you’re sure you’re okay?”

“Just tired,” I answered. “I didn’t really think this through very well. I don’t know how you do it, Janessa.”

I could see her brow furrow in the mirror. “Do what?”

“Date two guys at the same time. Two guys who also happen to be good friends.” I shook my head. “Does one of them ever get jealous when you’re with the other? How do you deal with that? How dotheydeal with it?”

Janessa paused for several long seconds, then finally shook her head. “It’s not really like that with Cade and Boone. They’re both so sweet to me when we’re all together. And maybe there was a little tension at first, but we’ve talked it out. Plus, I’m pretty sure they had some kind of agreement between the two of them.”

That made sense to me. Prescott and Cole needed an agreement like that because they clearly didn’t have one right now. I wondered if it would even be possible to get to that point with these two guys. Could they get over their competitive streak and talk it out like Janessa’s guys had?

I wasn’t sure.

“Maybe you should just pick one of them and let the other down gently,” Becca said. “Or maybe just stay away from both of them. It sounds like a lot of unnecessary drama to me.”

“It didn’t feel that way until tonight,” I said. “Until just a few minutes ago, really. And I don’t think ithasto be that way… I just don’t know how to make it work.”

“You need to talk to them,” Janessa said. Her voice was firm, and even though I couldn’t see her face very well through the mirror, I knew exactly what the look on her face was. Determined. Confident. Knowledgeable. “Both of them. Together. Tell them how you feel. Tell them how they made you feel tonight.”

“Do you think it’ll even help?” I asked. “Will they just think I’m the one being dramatic?”

Becca snorted. “They can go to hell if they think they’re going to turn this around on you. You don’t need guys like that in your life anyway.”

Janessa smirked. “I’d agree, but I don’t think they’ll do that. They’re good guys. I’ve known both of them my whole life. If you’re serious about seeing them, you should talk to them. How else will they know?”

She had a good point. And I knew she was right about one more thing—they were good men. Maybe there was a chance we could make this work.Maybe.

Because I really did enjoy spending time with both of them. And I really,reallydidn’t want to choose one over the other.

“Okay,” I said, making up my mind. “I’ll talk to them. I don’t know how much good it will do—or if it will do any good at all—but it couldn’t hurt, right?”

“That’s right,” Janessa agreed. “Getting things out in the open is never a bad idea.”

Even Becca was nodding at that.

So… right. That’s what I was going to do. I’d talk things over with Prescott and Cole.

And I’d keep my fingers crossed that the three of us could still have some fun together for whatever time I had left in Bliss.

Chapter 6


The sheriff and I had been friends for a long time. Not only did we get along perfectly outside of work, but we made damn good partners when it came to taking care of the town and keeping everyone safe. We might argue from time to time, and we might bust each other’s balls over a girl here and there, but at the end of the day we were still two grown men who respected each other and took pride in our work.

So why was I suddenly questioning everything we were doing?

I was frustrated that we didn’t really have any leads on whoever was behind the poisonings. Not any leads that were worth a damn, anyway. And seeing Derek Winslow bleeding out on the ground had really hit home for me. It just proved how powerless we actually were when it came to stopping this person.

And it pissed me off.

But not nearly as much as it had pissed me off to see Prescott trying to rub his date with Daisy Lynn in my face. And then to bring her to a crime scene? To put her in harm’s way like that?