Page 8 of Wicked Rogue

What the hell was going on with me?

“Ah well,” he said, pushing off of the rail. “If you’re scared, I understand.”

The arrogant smile on his face was enough to get me talking again. I wouldn’t let him make me feel small.

“I’m not scared,” I huffed, straightening my spine. I brushed past him to stand on the porch steps, as far from him as I could get. He was still smirking at me and I was afraid of what I’d do if I was too close. “Well? Shall we go?” I gestured impatiently at the glossy bike parked just a few feet from me on the gravel.

It was big… powerful. Just like him.

What the hell!

“One sec.” He disappeared into the house for a moment, returning with jacket slung over his shoulder and a bright pink helmet in his hand.

My eyes boggled at the sight of it.

Absolutely not. Nope. Nada. No way.

“No way. I’m not wearing that.” I pushed it away as he tried to hand it to me, but he wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

He squared himself in front of me and grabbed the back of my neck. In one move, he hauled me towards him and I stumbled into his chest with a grunt.

“Aidan!” I snapped as I pushed against his hard body, but he wouldn’t let me go. His hand lingered on my neck and my pulse throbbed wildly.

My face burned, and my whole body felt like jelly.

I probably could have escaped, if I’d kneed him in the balls… which was tempting, but those eyes froze me in place. With one hand he slipped the helmet on my head and buckled the chin strap.

“You’ll wear it, and you’ll like it,” he commanded, a look in his eyes that told me not to argue.

“Why aren’t you wearing one?” I grumbled as he released me, and I staggered back again.

He tossed me the jacket, and I slipped my arms into it without hesitation. Iwascold, especially without his body crowding mine, and it wasn’t as heinous as the helmet.

“BecauseIam invincible,” he winked as he climbed on the bike, sending a shudder through me.

I actually believed it. It would take a natural disaster to take Aidan down.

I flinched as the bike roared to life. He looked so at ease, so in control…

What if you crash?

He’d survive, but I certainly wouldn’t.

Okay,maybeI was scared.

I was used to driving around in armored SUVs with bullet proof glass. It would take a tank to crush one of those things… but this bike.

“I haven’t got all day, Clover,” he sighed, looking over at me with a bored droop to his eyelids.

He thought I wouldn’t do it.

He thought he knew me.

He thought he could push me and make me fall.

Well he was fucking wrong.

Just do it, Cait.