Page 7 of Wicked Rogue

“Cait? You okay?” Bree’s head popped around the canvas, eying me with concern.

I swallowed hard, backing as far from Aidan as I could.

His eyes never left me.

What the hell was his problem?

“Yeah- I.. sorry I just need some air.” I scrambled out of the room, racing along the hallway and down the stairs until I was outside on the porch, sucking in great cleansing breaths.

The air immediately chilled my skin, but it was a welcome relief from the heat that had just barreled through me like a fireball.

Was I going insane? Had I suffered a bump to the head that I wasn’t aware of? That was the only explanation for the thought that had popped into my head.

Urgh. What’s wrong with you?

Kissing Aidan… I would rather rub my face in garbage.

“Are you alright?” A gravely voice sounded from behind me, and I shrieked, whirling around in surprise.

He stood against the wall, his arms folded as he regarded me.

I glared at him. “Fine,” I snapped, turning away again and putting as much distance between us as the porch would allow. I couldn’t look at him.

Why had he come after me? Why hadn’t Brianna come?

“Are you unwell?” He probed further, his voice sliding over me like waves over rocks.

“Yeah, I- I don’t feel well,” I stuttered, pacing the furthest part of the porch from him. It was true. The thought of kissing him made my stomach roll.


My face was still burning, my chest was tight. How had he done this to me with just one touch? It was ridiculous. I’d never had that kind of reaction to him before. Well, to anyone!

He was quiet for a few moments, but his eyes still tracked me as I paced.

Dude had a serious staring problem.

I was about to yell at him again when he unfolded himself from his leaning position. “Come on, I’ll take you home,” he finally said, retrieving a set of keys from his back pocket.

My gaze slashed to him. “No way, I’m not going anywhere withyou. I’ll ask one of the guards.”

He prowled towards me, trapping me against the porch rail. “They’re all busy, Dad just called a meeting.”

No, no, no.

I couldn’t go with him.

“I’m not getting on the back of that two wheeled death machine.” I folded my arms around myself, as if that was going to offer me some protection from him, or the bike.

“Come on, live a little, Cait,” he goaded, amusement glittering in his malachite eyes.


He leaned over me, gripping the porch rail on either side of me. He was so close to me, it was even harder to breathe.

“One less boring minute you have to live,” he whispered, blowing a tobacco and mint scented breath over my face.

I felt the familiar heat of angry words on my tongue, but I didn’t seem to be able to get them out.