Page 9 of Wicked Rogue

I straightened my spine and took a fortifying breath. There was no way I was backing down.

The bike hummed and purred as I slung my leg over the seat, slipping in behind him where just an hour ago, another girl had been. In fact, the seat was still slightly warm.

That’s just your imagination.

“Thattagirl,” he chuckled, and I rolled my eyes.

“Why are you suddenly being nice to me?” I queried, fidgeting with the helmet strap. It was buckled way too tight, but I couldn’t adjust it while it was on.

I knew why… he wanted me to owe him, butIwanted him to admit that out loud so he could listen to how much of an asshole he was.

“You’re the one with the problem, Clover. I’m sweet as pie.” He revved the engine, and my heart leapt into my throat.


This was it!

“What am I meant to hold onto?” I choked, all of my bravado flying out of the door. This was seriously dangerous. For more than just the fact I could die.

You’re going to have to touch him.

My heart had never beat so fast. Was this what it felt like to be on drugs?

“Use your brain, Cait!” he called over his shoulder as he revved the engine again, and then we were moving.

My arms flew around his waist as I nearly toppled backwards off the bike.

“Shit!” I yelled, earning a chuckle from him.

He hit a button on his handlebars that opened the gates, and then we were off, roaring down the street.

I didn’t live far from the O’Callaghan’s. I just had to survive for five minutes.

I buried my head in his back, refusing to look at the street zipping past us. I could feel how close the road was to my body. I could feel the sting of my skin ripping off if I fell.

My arms tightened, and I heard his dark chuckle.

It felt like flying, but at the moment you were about to crash into a mountain, not when you were cruising at a nice safe altitude. But the further we went, the more the bike seemed to do things to me.

I hated him, I did, but between clutching his wide body, and the vibrations of the bike between my legs, I was becoming flushed and breathless. His scent surrounded me, the warmth of his back pressed against my chest sent tingles curling through my body, tightening every muscle.

Jesus Christ.

Was the bike turning me on? Or was it just him?

Stop it, Cait. This is Aidan! Your arch nemesis!

My cheeks heated again, and I shifted to try and dispel the throbbing that was building and growing between my legs, but I couldn’t.

This was the closest I’d ever been to a boy for an extended amount of time. Probably the closest I ever would be for a loooong time, and I was a hormonal mess on the back of the bike I didn’t even want to ride in the first place. I was also wearing a stupid barbie pink helmet that made me look like a seven-year-old learning to ride a bike without training wheels.

You’ve got to calm down.

We were just a minute from my house, and he would definitely be able to tell what was going on in my head. He was experienced at these things. He would know.


I wanted to cry. My body was a complete traitor.