Page 10 of Wicked Rogue

You hate him. You hate him.I chanted it over and over.

I’d bet the girl who rode here before wasn’t this much of a mess around him. She’d be cool and calm, like he was.

The bike shuddered to a stop outside my house, and for a moment I didn’t even notice that he’d switched the engine off. I was too caught up in trying to calm my body down.

“We’re here, you can stop strangling me now,” he chuckled, and I realized with a start that I’d been sat there for much longer than I should, clinging to the boy I supposedly wanted to kill with my bare hands.


“Sorry,” I muttered, releasing my death grip on him and sliding off the bike with unsteady legs.

“See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?”

I took off the helmet, shooting him a look.

“Okay, not a fan of the bike?”

My body was definitely a fan… but I’d never let him know that. The spot between my legs was still tingling.

“I think I’ll stick to cars.” I pushed the helmet towards him, but he shook his head.

“Keep it, you’ll need it next time.”

Did I just hear him right?

Next time?

There was going to be a next time? My heart tripped over the implications of his words.

I opened and closed my mouth like a fish before my dumb ass could get the words out. “Next time?”

“I’ll get you loving this bike, I promise.” He winked at me again. “Feel better soon,” he said, starting the engine up and then he was gone.

Next time?

Confusion nearly strangled me.

He was volunteering to spend time with me…

What had changed?



As I left her standing on the sidewalk and roared off down her street, I was kicking myself.

Had I actually just said ‘Next time’ to her?

Idiot, Aidan.

I couldn’t seem to help it though.

Whenever Cait Malley looked at me, and that was a lot, I felt things I wasn’t supposed to feel.

I shouldn’t want her. But I did.

You see… people were a game to me. I liked to push them, just to see how far I could. Then I sat back and watch as they imploded. My sister had snapped a long time ago, but then she had a shorter fuse than most. My father was on the precipice… but Cait… she was different.