Page 37 of Rogue Hunter

“Isn’t there a book?” I wondered, braiding my hair into a plait while Ruby watched me, ears twitching.

“A book?” Epione asked, her eyes refocusing on me instead of the wolves.

“I’ve heard so much about the Moon Maidens' teachings, but surely there’s a book or instruction manual. Where else could this stuff be learned from?” Both Mavka and Epione looked at me with shock on their faces.

“Arrow…the Moon Maidens’ teachings are passed down from mother to daughter. I don’t think they were ever written down.” Mavka spoke gently knowing how speaking of my mother would affect me.

“I think some teachings were but the only copy I’ve ever heard of was in Brural,” Epione said, running her hand down her wrinkled face.

“Well, that’s convenient.” I mumbled, thinking of the stupid invitation from thekingof Brural.

“We are willing to teach you what we know about the Moon Maidens’ teachings,but since your power manifests in a different way, I’m not sure how helpful we will be.” Mavka added, sadly.

“Should I just wing it.” I’d been doing it this far so how much harm could it really cause.

“I think that’s the only option.” Mavka said, a grin on her face as she thought about how to torture me more.

“As long as I don’t have to fondle anymore trees.” I grumbled, rising to my feet and wiping my hands on my pants. “The shedding of you four is ridiculous.”

All four wolves tilted their heads in unison which made my eyes narrow knowing that they could understand what I was saying.

“Best tell Einri. He won’t be happy.” Epione sighed and I agreed with the sentiment. He wasn’t big on winging, though I seemed to thrive on it,not to mention that part of needing to go to Brural for information.

We’re a pair.

We left the tent making our way through the camp in search of Einri and the rest. People of the Greenwood and Eylend gave me and my wolves a wide berth. The looks I got were respectful, but I could see the fear in some of their eyes and that bothered me.

I contemplated why while we walked and found that it could be the similarities between Asena and me. Hell, I didn’t like the similarities between us or how our paths had crossed before all of this. If I was in their shoes, I would be wary of me too.

I made a mental note to mention it to Einri. If they were going to look to me as a leader, I couldn’t have them seeing me as a villain. Or villainous.

Ruby pressed his body against my leg, obviously sensing my heavy thoughts. I scratched the fur behind his head, thanking him in my own way.

“There they are.” Mavka said, turning so we were heading toward the training field.

“How much can they train before it becomes pointless?” Epione mumbled, while I tried to hold in my laugh and hide my smile. They did spend every spare second here.

“Stakar.” Mavka called cheerily, waving at the group of men.

The Eylendian king turned at his name a bright smile lighting up his face as he watched his wife approach.

My eyes found the silvery-green of Einri’s,and my stomach did a flip. His gaze was just as startling as when I first saw it. I was happy that there wasn’t any hostility in them, but I couldn’t shake the thought that there was something more.

“My queen!” Stakar announced, making a show of bowing deeply to her before kissing her cheek. “You’re a wonder.”

“Oh, always a charmer.” Mavka tittered, accepting the kiss graciously. “We wondered if you might have a moment.”

“I have many.” Stakar said, tucking her hand into the crook of his arm with a smile on his face.

“Cheeky.” Epione complained as Little John came over to check on her. “I’m fine. A good kidnapping gets the blood pumping.”

Little John snorted in response, grabbing her arm so he could help her walk since she refused the cane.

“Hey.” Einri said quietly, stepping to my side.

“Hey.” I answered, feeling my cheeks flush as his chest brushed my shoulder, his fingers intertwined with mine.

“Where are we going?” Einri’s deep voice asked in my ear, making me shiver.