Page 38 of Rogue Hunter

“To discuss next steps.” I replied, ignoring Ruby as he pushed between us.

“And your entourage will accompany you?” One of his eyebrows rose in question as all my wolves crowded around us.

“They go where I go.” I said, watching as the white and tan wolf bounded forward excitedly.

“Have you thought about names?” Einri wondered, looking at the three new wolves.

I sighed in response because I had been thinking of names, but it also felt weird naming them knowing they’d once been people with names of their own.

I told Einri of my hesitation. He nodded his understanding but I saw the spark in his eyes and I wondered what it was about.

“What’s that look for?” I asked, slowing my steps so we could have a little privacy.

“I like that you view them as people.” He commented, eyeing the wolves that kept pace with us.

“I’ve seen and felt the change in them.” It was hard to put into words how the wildness had left their eyes, returning thought and reason to what were essentially wild animals. Now that they had some humanity back, I couldn’t keep treating them as if they were the same.

“Most would see a wild animal, but once they see the awareness and understanding in their eyes that’ll change their minds.” He said, adding a tone of reassurance,but we both knew people could be cruel.

“I’ll think about what to call them.” I said, picturing me running through every name I could think of until deciding on one that suited each of them.

Mavka stepped off the path and into the tree line. We followed behind until we entered a clearing with a boulder in the center.

“This is where I come to meditate and practice.” Mavka explained, running her hand over the moss covered stone. “When the clearing is full of snow the amount of moonlight is amplified giving Aylin to all.”

“Aylin is the energy from the moon.” I whispered to Einri who looked puzzled at the conversation.

“We’ve been conversing with Arrow, and we’ve decided on a few things. First is that her form of magic is something that neither of us are familiar with.” Epione stated, not one for beating around the bush.

“Second, the teachings from the Moon Maiden were passed down from mother to daughter. Arrow’s mother sadly passed before she could pass on the wisdom which leaves her at a disadvantage.” Mavka continued, turning to face Einri and me from across the stone.

“I heard the library in Brural is…extensive.” Epione said, being as subtle as a thunderstorm.

“It is.” Einri nodded, his eyes narrowing at the old healer. “What of it?”

“She’s suggesting we go to Brural with a dual purpose.” I told him, squeezing his fingers. “We figured out my connection to the rogues to an extent, but I need more information. I have no one to teach me, Einri. Winging it is an option, but I’d rather not play with anymore lives.”

“You want to accept my brother's invitation.” Einri said. It wasn’t a question but more like a resignation.

“I don’t see how we can ignore it. Who knows, maybe your brother has had a change of heart and wants to work with us to take down Asena.” It was low bringing up his brother and ex-fiancé but I needed him to see this as a viable option.

“I doubt that,but you’re right. We don’t know what his intentions are. I’d rather see them on his face than read the words on paper.” Einri reluctantly agreed, a deep frown on his face.

“It’s not ideal.” I said gently, hoping he could see past what happened. As a leader with the future of the Greenwood on his shoulders meant he needed to explore all options.

“No, it’s not.” He replied, his fist clenching while his jaw flexed.

I signaled to Epione who got the hint, for once, and motioned to everyone. They left the clearing giving Einri and I time alone.

I tilted my head back, enjoying the sounds around me while breathing in the crisp air. The sky was streaked with clouds; the setting sun turning the fluffy masses an array of colors from pink to red to orange.

The open sky and clear air reminded me so much of home that tears coated my throat. In any other situation I’d go back there to the forest, fields, and people.

I couldn’t though. Not now anyway. The Greenwood was relying on me and I’d reluctantly accepted my place here. Though I felt that they didn’t entirely trust me which was an issue.

“What are you thinking about?” Einri asked softly, his fingers playing with a lock of red hair that escaped my braid.

“I’m thinking of home, the future, and my role here with you.” I answered, looking up into his eyes that seemed more green than silver now.