“Connor said you need to check your phone.” Levi holds his screen up for me to see his texts from Connor.

I roll my eyes and pull my phone from my bag.

Connor: You ran off before I could say goodbye this morning.

Me: Needed 2 get 2 school

Connor: Sure

Connor: It definitely had nothing 2 do w ur sweet pussy coming all over my hand and tongue last nite

My face heats up and I notice Levi and Griffin both looking at their phones and smirking.

Connor: Lev just sent me a picture of that beautiful face all flushed

Me: Levi is a dick

Connor: Ha, confirmed truth

Me: Are u doing important business stuff?

Connor: Signing a bunch of paperwork and getting my office in order

Me: U have an office?

He sends me a selfie of him sitting behind a mahogany desk in front of a window. He looks so fucking good in a dove gray suit with a baby blue tie and white oxford shirt. His hair is perfectly styled and he is doing his arrogant half smile and arched eyebrow look.

Me: Fancy. Nice view.

Connor: I’d rather have Griff and Lev’s view right now

Me: Laying it on thick, Con

Connor: I’ll give it 2 u thick

Connor: I bet u r blushing again

“If either of you sends Connor another picture of me right now I’ll kick your balls into your throats,” I blurt out as my face heats.

“No need to be so aggressive, hood rat.” Lev turns his legs away from me. “I would love to know what he’s saying that has you all hot and bothered though.”

Connor: I’d pay 2 watch u kick Lev’s balls into his throat

Connor: Actually I bet a lot of ppl would

Me: Like all the girls he bangs and bails on?

Connor: Yep

Connor: How has the day been?

Me: Fine

Me: I’m going 2 class

Connor: Ok, stay close 2 the guys

Me: Ditching them asap