I put my phone back in my bag and leave for class. It’s almost eery how everyone is leaving me alone today. I walk down the halls and people move for me, even if I’m just being followed by one of Lev’s teammates. Margaux has toned down her harassment, too. The most I get from her and her girls are dirty looks and whispered insults.
Lev wraps his arm around my shoulder. “I’m with you for this class.”
“Do you really think it’s necessary to have people with me all the time?” I snake my arm around his waist the same I way I would for Z. “That kid who grabbed me doesn’t even go here anymore.”
“His friends still do. Owen is here now, too. Con doesn’t share much about business stuff with us but I know there’s some shady shit going down between their families’ companies. It seems like he’s overreacting and being a dick but he’s honestly just trying to keep you out of the line of fire.” He tugs my pony tail. “Also, don’t tell anyone but I actually really like Riverdale. I’m totally coming over for that.”
“Telling me all your secrets now?” I joke.
“Yeah, I’ll tell you one of Griff and Con’s too.” He rubs his hands together. “Connor slept with a stuffed turtle named Tilly until he was ten. Griff’s parents are huge Harry Potter fans and named him after Gryffindor House. Griffin Potter.” He watches my face closely. “Get it?”
“Oh my god! I never made the connection!” Then I think about his red hair. “He looks like he could be a Weasley brother!”
“Yeah, so every year for Christmas we get him Harry Potter themed gifts. He fucking hates it. It’s great.” Lev laughs.
On impulse I pull out my phone to text Connor.
Me: When can I meet Tilly?
Connor: Ask Lev about his cousin.
Me: How do u know Levi was the one spilling secrets?
Connor: Griff is a vault
I show Levi my phone and he pales.
“That’s enough secrets for today.” He gives me a side hug. “Wait for Mason and Tucker after class and text me or Griff if something happens.”
“They’re bigger than you, why do I need two of them when I’m okay with only you or Griffin or Connor?”
“First of all,” he puffs his chest out, “they aren’tthatmuch bigger than me. Second of all, we’re Titans. You don’t need to bench 250 with that title throwing weight behind you.”
“Riiiight.” I roll my eyes and wave goodbye.
“Want to go for a run this afternoon?” Griff asks as he holds open the door for me after physics.
“Sure. You want to come over to the Volkov estate? We can run their trails.” I flip my middle finger at Margaux as she yells ‘gutter whore’ at me from down the hall. “I didn’t realize you were into running.”
“I used to do cross country but stopped when I launched my first web application. I still run everyday but I can’t devote time for a team.”
“Wait. You are an app developer?”
“Yes.” He side eyes me. “I developed an app for journalists to use for confidentiality. Originally it was just for Continental News Corp to use. Then I decided to launch it for the other big news groups, journalistic integrity and all that.”
“Ugh,” I shake my head, “you guys make me feel really insignificant sometimes.”
“Why? Because you don’t have the money to fund your dreams and goals? That is the only difference between you and us. If I wrote you a check for a million dollars right now I bet you’d spend a large portion of it helping your old neighborhood. Maybe donate it to soup kitchens, after school programs, I don’t know exactly but I’m sure you could list off five charities that would need it. Hell, maybe you’d start your own foundation. Regardless, just because you haven’t fulfilled your dreams, don’t ever compare yourself to us and feel less than.”
“Okay.” I blink, shocked by the impassioned pep talk. That is the most I have ever heard him speak at one time.
He chuckles. “I’ll be over in half an hour and I’ll meet you by the pool.”
He opens the door of my dad’s truck and waits for me to climb in. “I’m supposed to tell you to go straight home from here.”
“Really?” I’ve never rolled my eyes as much as I have in the past few days.
“Just passing on orders.” He holds his hands up and grins. “I’ll see you in a little bit.”