Page 6 of Final Drive

“They’ll be with you around the clock. Except for when you’re at practice, since we have our own security there. We’ll keep them for at least a week, maybe longer depending on how you personally feel. It’s probably not necessary, but we don’t want to take any risks. You’re an important member of the team, Luke. We want to make sure you feel that way.”

I let out a long sigh. “I didn’t realize I wanted a bodyguard, but now that I hear you say it out loud? That sounds really good. Just for a week, until I can get rid of these jitters.”

“Absolutely. We want you focused on football, not these other distractions.” He nodded as if it was decided. “The person they’ve assigned to you is being picked up from the airport as we speak. They should be here in fifteen, maybe twenty minutes. Finish up your workout, then meet us in the media room so I can introduce you.”

I shook his hand. “This is really nice of you. I appreciate it a lot.”

“Like I said, you’re an important member of the Stallions family. The agency is sending us one of their best, I’m told. You’re going to be in good hands.”

As I returned to the workout room, it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. The bodyguard hadn’t even arrived yet, but I already felt safer. It was good to work for a team that actually cared about me.

The rest of my workout was fantastic, and I had extra energy in my muscles while completing the last few reps. I chugged some Gatorade, toweled off, and then checked the time. They should be here by now. I was so excited, I went straight to the media room without hitting the showers first.

The room was usually full on game days, but on a practice day like today there were only three reporters present. Two I recognized from my first week on the job, and one new woman in a suit who looked bored. I didn’t see my bodyguard.

One of the reporters, Suzanna Olivier, popped up from her chair and greeted me at the door. “Morning, Mr. August. Mind if I ask you a few questions?”

“I’ve got time for a couple, sure. And call me Luke.”

“How was practice today? I bet you have a lot of confidence after winning your first game.”

I fell into the routine I had used for years at Penn State when talking to the media. “We had a great practice today, absolutely. And I’m feeling as confident as ever after Thursday’s win against the Chiefs.”

The new reporter, the one in the suit, slowly rose and began walking over. Waiting her turn for questions.

“How do you feel about the Stallions being the current favorites to win the Super Bowl?” Suzanna asked. “Do you think this team can win three in a row?”

I chuckled and put on a self-deprecating smile. “Oh, I don’t know about all that. I’m just trying to take it one game at a time. We’ve got the Raiders to contend with next week. That’s what I’m focusing on right now.”

“Aww, come on. Surely you have high expectations?”

“I’m expecting to beat the Raiders next Sunday,” I repeated. “Anything after that is just a bonus.”

Suzanna lowered her tape recorder. “Thanks for the statement, Luke. See you tomorrow.” She returned to her seat, and the new reporter casually drew closer. She didn’t have a tape recorder or notepad, which struck me as unusual.

“Hi, I’m Cazzie Price,” she said, extending her hand. “But you can call me Caz.”

As I shook her hand, I did the thing all guys did when they met a woman: I checked her out. Cazzie had chestnut hair that was pulled back in a ponytail, accentuating an oval face that was devoid of makeup; there was a natural beauty to her that needed no touching up. She was in her late twenties, maybe early thirties. Her suit hid her curves, but I could tell she had a great body underneath. She was tall, although her head barely rose above my shoulders. And she looked me directly in the eyes without any sense of intimidation or the kind of fawning attitude I was used to getting from fans.

She’s hot.

“Nice to meet you, Caz. I’m Luke. I’ve only got time for a few questions, because I’m meeting my new bodyguard soon.”

She smirked at that. “Bodyguard, huh?”

“Yeah, it’s related to the attack the other night,” I replied. “I don’t really think I need one—I can take care of myself—but the team is insisting on assigning one to me.” She nodded along, so I kept talking. “It’ll be nice to have a big, burly guy following me around everywhere. I never thought I would need something like that, but I guess you can’t be too careful.”

Cazzie chuckled. “Big burly guy. Right.”

I frowned. There was something off about her attitude. Like she was making fun of me. “I’m not sure what you find so funny about this. I was attacked the other night. The guy tried breaking my arm. It’s alarming to suddenly realize that it’s not safe to walk from my car to my apartment.” I winced. “Yeah, I know that’s probably how women feel all the time, and it’s my male privilege to onlynowrealize it. But I’m ready to put it behind me and focus. Why are you still chuckling? What’s so funny?”

She shook her head and visibly controlled her facial expressions. “Let’s start over. I’m Cazzie Price, but you can call me Caz. I’m your new security detail.”

Now it was my turn to laugh. She wasn’t exactlysmall, but she probably weighed half what I did. But she didn’t laugh with me. One of her eyebrows rose up on her forehead. I took a longer look at her. The suit. The ponytail. There was lean muscle underneath those clothes, and she held herself with an easy confidence.

“Oh, shit,” I said. “You’re serious.”

“As a heart attack. For the next week, your safety is my priority.”