Page 7 of Final Drive

The GM appeared in the doorway to the media room. “Oh, good. You two have already met.”

I turned to him. “This is my new bodyguard?”

“Ms. Price comes highly recommended from the security agency,” he replied. “We’ve hired her to shadow you around the clock. You have a spare bedroom at your place, right? The agency said it’s easiest if she stays at your place, especially given the nature of your attack.” He glanced at his watch. “I’ve got a meeting in five, so unless there’s anything else…”

“Hey,” I said, lowering my voice and taking him aside. “Can I talk to you about this? In private?”

I heard Cazzie sigh behind me. “You’re going to be weird about this, aren’t you?”

I rounded on her. “It’s nothing personal. I’m sure you’re a fine bodyguard for…” I was going to saya fine bodyguard for women, but that sounded shitty. “I was hoping for someone my size. Or bigger.”

She rolled her eyes. “It ain’t all about size, pal.”

“Give her a chance,” the GM insisted to me. “I’m sure you will value her competence once you get to know her. And if you want to hire your own private security, you’re more than welcome to.” He glanced at his watch again. “I really have to go. Let’s reevaluate this next Monday, after the Raiders game.”

I watched him go, and then I turned back to Caz. I still struggled to think of her asmy bodyguard. She wasn’t at all what I expected.

“I need to shower,” I said awkwardly. “I’ll meet you back here.”

She pursed her full lips together. “Whatever you say, boss.” It sounded sarcastic.

Great,I thought as I walked away.This is just what I needed.



Great, I thought as I watched him walk out of the media room.This is just what I needed.

I thought I was getting a better assignment. A real celebrity who needed protection, rather than some Instagram influencer brat. But Luke August wasn’t what I expected at all. He was just a kid, straight out of college. And a vaguely sexist one, too.

Maybe I should have stuck with Kaylyn.

“So you’re Luke August’s bodyguard?” the reporter asked me while I waited. “I couldn’t help but overhear your introduction. Care to comment on his…attitudeabout having a female bodyguard?”

“No comments, and none of what I said earlier was on the record,” I replied. “I’m his shadow, not part of the story.”

She shrugged. “If you change your mind at the end of the week, come find me.”

Yeah right, I thought. That was a great way to advance my career: by accusing my client of sexism five minutes after meeting him. I’d never be able to get another job ever again.

Luke took half an hour showering. When he finally emerged, it looked like he’d spent twenty-eight of those minutes adding perfect waves to his dirty-blond hair. I fell in beside him in the hallway, rolling my suitcase behind me.

After a minute of awkward silence, he asked, “Where are you from?”

“I live in Southern California.”

“I love SoCal,” he replied. “We played in the Rose Bowl a few years back. I caught two touchdowns. So are you a Chargers fan, or Rams? I promise not to hold it against you if it’s the Chargers.”

“Neither,” I replied truthfully.

He whistled. “Good. I grew up an Eagles fan. Our history is almost as pathetic as the Chargers. At least, it was until we won in 2018. That was sweet.”

“Sweet,” I repeated without enthusiasm.

We reached his car, a white Honda Accord. At least he wasn’t driving something flashy. Most of the people I worked with in Los Angeles bought the shiniest, fastest car they could as soon as they could afford the payments. He popped the trunk and grabbed my suitcase, putting it inside.

“Hey, I’m real sorry about earlier,” he said. “Can we forget all of that and start over?”