Page 12 of Tight End



Taylor Fox was the full package. She was smart as hell—book smart, too. If she was an associate professor, I’m pretty sure that meant she had a PhD. Most of the girls I hooked up with dropped out of college to become Instagram models. But that wasn’t to say Taylor wasn’t good looking. She was drop-dead gorgeous. I didn’t like to rate women on their looks the way some frat guys did, but if there was ever a ten, it was Taylor. When she got up to use the ladies room, my eyes were locked onto her hourglass frame. The way her perfect ass rubbed back and forth inside her pencil skirt with every stride had me damn near hypnotized.

If she had been my professor back at Texas, I would’ve shown up to every single lecture. I still would have failed, mind you, but it wouldn’t have been because of attendance.

For the first time in my life, I felt like I was out of a girl’s league.

And it was pretty damn refreshing.

The big thing was that she had no idea I was the tight end for the Salt Lake City Stallions. She didn’t immediately worship me within seconds of saying hello. To her, I was just another guy at the bar. It made me want to try hard to make her like me. And when we did hit it off, laughing and joking together, it was a million times more satisfying.

At the end of the night, while we stood outside the bar she was giving me those eyes. The eyes that said there was nothing but green lights between here and the bedroom. That look was better than all the trivia trophies in the world.

But here’s the thing. Taylor was so much more than a random hookup. I didn’t just want a one-night stand with this woman. I wanted to wine and dine her. I wanted to share a few more beers and tell her about myself. I wanted to take her home at the end of the night and ravage her, sure… But I wanted to make her breakfast in the morning. And then I wanted to take her out again.

I could see myself having a future with this woman who I had only known for a few hours.

And I sure as hell wasn’t going to ruin that by moving too fast.

She must have had a similar thought, because she quickly whipped out her red pen and wrote her number on my palm. I don’t remember what she said, or what I said back to her, because I was too busy fist-pumping in my head.

I got her number, which meant I would get to see her again.

While walking back to my downtown condo, I called Double-D. “Sorry about tonight. I had to see a thing about a girl.”

“Bro, don’t quote Good Will Hunting at me,” he replied on the phone.

“Seriously, partner,” I said. “You should’ve seen this girl. I think I’m in love.”

Double-D snickered on the line. “She could be Beyoncé wearing a bikini made from contact lenses and it wouldn’t matter. You missed the game of the century. Your boy Luka put up fifty points!”

I listened to my friend chastise me on the walk home. When I reached my penthouse, my husky dog Luna came running across the floor and leaped into my arms.

“Missed you too, girl,” I said as she jumped down and began wiggling between my legs excitedly. “I know, I know, you’re itching to go for a walk.”

Luna responded with a barrage of husky jibberish—part howl, part chatter. Huskies were drama queens.

But as I leashed her up and walked her toward the park downtown, my mind was elsewhere. I didn’t care about the game I had missed, or how my favorite player played amazingly.

The only thing on my mind was Taylor.


Two days later, Dallas and his girlfriend Kim returned from their vacation to Scotland. Being the good friend that I was, I picked them up from the airport and drove them home.

“It was gorgeous,” Kim raved. “Rolling Scottish highlands, endless green valleys…”

“We saw some cows covered in brown hair,” Dallas chimed in. “Like, hair long enough to put into dreadlocks.”

Spending a full week hiking across Scotland seemed dumb to me. Sitting on a beach with a fruity drink was more my speed. But hey, I wasn’t going to knock their good time.

“How’ve things been here?” Dallas asked me. “You keeping busy?”

“Actually, I’ve got some news of my own. I met a girl.”

Dallas grinned. “A girl?”