Page 13 of Tight End

“This girl is gorgeous,” I said. “A body like an hourglass. Curves for days. And these pretty red lips that…”

I trailed off and glanced at Kim in the rear-view mirror. “Uh, sorry.”

“Don’t be,” Kim replied. “She sounds hot.”

“She is. But that’s the thing: she’s so much more than a great body. She’s a professor! She teaches paleontology.”

Dallas perked up. “Like Indiana Jones?”

“Yes! A sexy, redheaded Indiana Jones.”

“You should joke about her skills with a whip,” Dallas added.

“Way ahead of you, partner.”

“Sorry to ruin your fantasy,” Kim interjected, “but Indiana Jones taught archaeology. Paleontology is dinosaurs.”

“She studies old stuff. Close enough.”

I spent the next few minutes telling them how we met, and the amazing night we spent together playing trivia.

“You sound like you’re smitten,” Dallas said.

“You have no idea.” I shook my head. “I’ve been thinking about what the two of you have. It’s made you a better person, Dallas. I want to find something like that. And Taylor? She might be it. She’s got long-term potential.”

“When was the last time you were in a serious relationship?” Dallas asked. “I don’t remember anyone lasting longer than a month or two…”

“High school,” I replied. “I’m not sure I even know how to be a good boyfriend.”

“You’ll do great,” Kim said, reaching up to pat me on the shoulder reassuringly. “Just be yourself. When are you seeing her next?”

“I’m waiting a few days to call her,” I said. “Don’t want to seem too eager.”

Kim smiled. “Don’t wait too long. Girls don’t like guys who seem too desperate… But we also don’t like guys who play stupid games. If she’s the real deal, you should call her tonight.”

There was a nervous tingle in my belly the rest of the day as I worked up the courage to call her. I never felt this way about approaching women. Usually it came as natural as, well, catching a football.

I waited until I’d had two beers with dinner, then decided to send her a text.

Brody: Hey Taylor, it’s Brody. Wanted to see if you’d like to get dinner this weekend. Let me know if you’re free.

She didn’t respond for twenty minutes. I spent the time pacing around my kitchen. Luna could tell something was up, and jumped up to try to lick my face. When I pushed her down, she let out a babble of annoyed Husky whines.

Then my phone chimed.

Taylor: Brody who?

Brody: Brody from trivia night. I’m drinking beer out of the commemorative pint glass right now, and it made me think of you.

Taylor: Sorry, I’m busy this weekend. But I’m free right now. What are you wearing?

I frowned at the message. It was a little more frisky than I expected from Taylor. Then again, I didn’t know her that well.

Brody: Gray sweatpants and a T-shirt. How about you?

Taylor: Mmm, I like the sound of that. Send me a photo?

Brody: I thought academics were good at using their imagination ;-)