“Well . . . ,” she said a long moment later, “not much of anything. It’s just that Dr. Chan is visiting sooner than later. She’s scheduling a flight for this weekend to look the place over.I couldn’t put her off since she’s on a deadline to find a new position but . . .” She left off with a shrug.

“And since the salary you’re offering is on the low side, it would be nice if you could tempt her with attractive housing.”

She gave a sheepish smile. “It really would be. But I’ll just build a vision for the finished product and promise the house will be perfect by the time she starts—if she takes the job. Did I mention she has another offer on the table? Don’t mind me. I’m just overthinking it.”

The server returned with their drinks and scuttled off.

Avery was downplaying her concerns. But he knew what another doctor would mean for her mental health. She worked six days a week and was on call twenty-four/seven. That wasn’t healthy for anyone.

And according to her, attracting a doctor to a small town for an even smaller salary was a tall order. This Lucy Chan sounded, well, like just what the doctor ordered. It was too bad he couldn’t—

Wait a minute. Technically he had a few days to spare. Ever since this afternoon when he’d learned Lillian would be gone when he arrived, he hadn’t been eager to get back on the trail. And he hadn’t booked that flight yet.

Avery watched a lone couple two-step across the dance floor.

He took in her beautiful mahogany hair, her wide-set green eyes that hinted of both intelligence and vulnerability. Those slim, strong shoulders that seemed to carry the weight of the world. And as he absorbed her essence, he knew...

He wasn’t ready to leave her just yet.

The realization was a sucker punch. The relationship couldnever go anywhere. But there was something inside, a knowing, that his purpose here hadn’t been completed.

He sensed she needed him somehow—and for more than a reno on an old carriage house. That realization prompted him to speak up.

“You know what? Why don’t I just stay a few more days? I could start on the—”

“No.” Her expression closed up tight. “No way. You are not delaying your hike again.”

“Just hear me out. I could easily get the flooring done before she arrives, then there would only be an old bathroom to contend with. And maybe I could get Stewie out a little earlier to—”

Avery shook her head. “I’m not asking that of you.”

He leaned forward, holding her gaze. “You didn’t ask; I offered. Seriously, I have a few days to spare, and I don’t mind hanging around awhile longer.”

She seemed to weigh his assertion, her eyes turning down at the corners, her lips pursing.

“It’s supposed to rain later this week anyway—you know how I hate hiking in the rain.”

“Don’t act as if you’d be doing this for yourself.”

He pinned her with an unswerving look. “I don’t mind, Doc. Really. I hate leaving a job undone, and I really do have time to kill. It would be a win-win for both of us.”

“Then why do I feel as though I’m taking advantage of you?”

His eyes lit with humor and his lips twitched. “Sounds like a personal problem to me.”

“You’re impossible.” She held eye contact for a long moment. “Do you promise it wouldn’t set you back in some way?”

He lifted his right hand. “Scout’s honor—and yes, I actually was a Scout. For about five minutes, between moves.” He waited, silently urging her to acquiesce. Convincing her it was what he wanted—and it really was. “Come on. Just say yes. It’s that easy.”

Avery tilted her chin. “Fine. But I’m going to pay you for your time.”

“I’d rather have the meals.”And your company.

“You’ll have both—those are my conditions, take it or leave it.”

He pretended to weigh her demands, but there wasn’t even a flicker of indecision in his heart. He was staying until he finished the reno or until Dr.Chan arrived—whichever came first.

“All right. It’s a deal.” He stuck out his hand and they shook on it. He couldn’t stop the grin that curled his lips. And even though she probably didn’t want him to, he could see the immense relief behind her mock scowl.