She made a face. “Is that how we sound to you?”
“Forgive my bad impression. I find your southern drawl very charming. It was one of the first things I noticed about you.”
“You mean when you were spiking a fever and delirious with dehydration?” she deadpanned.
“I was not delirious.”
“Debatable.” She couldn’t help grinning as she thought of their first hours together. “You were actually quite obstinate for someone who could barely make it to the exam room on his own two feet.”
“I don’t care to feel like that again anytime soon.”
“It’s amazing to think you hiked fourteen miles in that condition.”
“And collapsed in a heap on your porch. On your birthday, no less.”
“Illness waits for no man—or woman.”
“Speaking of your obscene work hours—any reply from that doctor who sent her résumé Saturday?”
Avery had told him about Dr.Chan at Saturday night’s fiesta-for-two. “Actually, she responded on Sunday, and we had a video call today. I’m happy to say it seems very promising.”
He beamed. “Hey, that’s great news.”
The server stopped by for their orders. Rae Anne was still in her teens, but that didn’t stop the girl from sneaking peeks at Wes or blushing while he gave his order. She couldn’t blame the poor girl. He was probably the best-looking man she’d ever seen in the restaurant.
As the teenager walked away, Wes leaned onto his elbows, fully focused on Avery. “Now, tell me about your candidate. Where’s she from?”
Avery filled him in on the basics, trying to temper her own expectations. He responded with all the right questions, digging for more information where she skimped.
“Sounds like the ideal candidate,” Wes said when she finished. “And even with the other offer on the table, she must be seriously interested if she’s flying here on her own dime.”
“That’s what I thought. She’s qualified—overqualified, really—has stellar recommendations, and she actually hopes to work in a small-town setting. Only in my dreams did I imagine I’d find someone so perfect for the position and so quickly.”
“Then why do I get the sense something’s bothering you?”
She should’ve known she couldn’t get anything past him. He paid close attention and read her well. “The fly in the ointment is the timing. Dr.Chan needs to make a move pretty quickly.”
He tipped his head back. “And the apartment isn’t ready yet.”
“It probably won’t be a deal breaker.”
“But you’re concerned it will be. How quickly are we talking about?”
“Her lease and job end in two weeks, and she’d like to start right away.”
He gave a slow nod. “All right, that’s not unreasonable as far as the construction is concerned. Really, it’s just the flooring, plumbing, and the unfinished wall. Stewie will have you plumbed in this Friday, then he’ll schedule an inspection. The framing inspection is also happening Friday. Your brother could get the flooring done in a couple of days—the unfinished wall over a weekend. Setting the new toilet, sink, and shower enclosure will only take a day. Two weeks is pushing it but manageable.”
She flashed a smile. “Right, it totally is. I’m probably blowing this out of proportion.”
Wes studied Avery’s bright expression. She took a sip of water, then her attention drifted aimlessly around the room.
He didn’t see the problem. Surely her brother would step up to the plate once Wes was gone. But Avery wasn’t one to make a mountain out of a molehill. “What is it you’re not telling me?”
She blinked at him. “What? Nothing.”
He waited her out.