“You cooked on a Saturday night? That’s not like you. I mean, brownies, yes, but a meal?”
Avery took a sip of her Americano and strove for a casual tone. “Wes cooked, actually.”
Katie’s brows shot up. “Oh really.”
“He owed me a meal, that’s all.”
“Owedyou a meal?”
“We played poker this week and he lost.” She was digging this hole deeper and deeper.
“You played poker this week.”
“Can you stop repeating everything I say?”
“Sorry, I’m just confused.”
Avery didn’t particularly want Katie to expound on the thought as she was a trifle confused herself. But she enjoyed Wes’s company too much to examine the situation closely. “He shaved off all his facial hair.”
Katie frowned at the slight change of topic. “And this is relevant how? “
“He just looks a little different, that’s all.”
“A little hotter, you mean.” Katie studied her with the intensity of a scientist who’d just given her lab rats an experimental medication.
Avery sighed. “All right, fine. Let’s hear it.”
Katie set down her mug and folded her arms on the table. “So, Friday night I could feel the sparks flying between the two of you.”
Avery rolled her eyes.
“Don’t deny it. And then yesterday you announced your intention to remain single the rest of your life. And then today you tell me you’ve been spending all this time with Hottie McHandyman...”
“An evening here and there.”
“Anyway, you’re spending time with him and seemingly enjoying his company.”
“And... I can’t help but wonder to what end? He’s leaving after he’s paid off his bill from the clinic, right? He’s finishing the trail, then he presumably has a life elsewhere?”
“Albany. And the fact that he’s leaving soon is kind of thepoint. I enjoy his company, and he seems to enjoy mine. There’s no reason to pass up some good conversation in the meantime. There’s really nothing to lose here.”
“But what if you...?” Katie stared off into the distance, her eyes glazing over for a moment before they swung back to Avery. Her face went soft and her voice lowered. “I’m just worried about you. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Avery laughed lightly. “That’s sweet but you don’t need to worry about me. Wes will be here all of two weeks. Even I couldn’t manage to bungle it up in that amount of time.”
“Oh, I don’t know, you seem to take the fast track on nearly everything you do in life.”
“When I have a plan, yes, I’m full speed ahead. But falling for some guy who’s just passing through? Not on my agenda.”
“Love can creep up on you, you know. It can take you by surprise, change all your plans—despite your best intentions.”
Katie was speaking of herself and Cooper. “I get what you’re saying, but it’s not like that. We’re just hanging out, enjoying each other’s company. And don’t forget, he’s helping us get one giant step closer to having another doctor around here.”
“And I’m all in favor of that.”
“I meant what I said Saturday: I’m dedicated to the single life. I intend to have a long, grand affair with my medical clinic.”