“That must’ve been messy.”

“You could say that. There was a love triangle, a scandal, and all the family drama you could possibly want—if you like that sort of thing, which I don’t. Katie being my best friend, I was right in the middle of it all. But we eventually came through it.”

“If Gavin managed to put all that behind him, he must be a decent guy.” Behind all that protective bluster.

“Both my brothers are good men—love doesn’t always play fairly.”

He thought of Kendra. “No, it does not.” Not only had she cheated on him, but looking back, she’d always seemed embarrassed by his lack of higher education. It took her many months to bring him around her colleagues at the law firm.

Wes and Avery made quick work of the batter while they talked about Avery’s family and her brother’s run for sheriff last fall. How had she managed to run his campaign when she was practically shackled to her clinic?

She licked the last of the batter off her spatula and set it in the bowl with his. “That really hit the spot. Something about Italian food makes me crave sweets.”

A bit of chocolate smudged the corner of her lower lip. He reached out and swept it away, then licked it off his thumb.

Her eyes locked on his and darkened to moss.

The gesture had been intimate—he just felt so comfortable with her. But maybe she didn’t feel the same. Should he apologize? Or act as if nothing had happened?

She wiped her mouth, emitting a husky laugh. “Is it gone? I’m so messy. Growing up, I was always the messiest. I can’t wear a scarf without finding bits of food in it at the end of the day.”

“You’re free and clear.” He was glad she’d played it off so casually. Maybe he hadn’t been out of line. He would never take liberties with a woman and definitely didn’t want to make Avery uncomfortable when they’d built such a good rapport.

But Avery was off and talking again, so he must not have blown it. He leaned back against the bar stool and listened, the melody of her laughter filling the space from time to time. Before he knew it, the air filled with the smell of baking brownies. The evening was almost over, and he was still loath to leave.


Avery settled into her favorite corner seat at the coffee shop and took a much-needed sip of her Americano. She remembered the days when she’d ordered green tea for her health. But this morning she’d had to get up early—she’d committed to watching the tots at the early service—and she’d been up in the middle of the night.

Katie entered the shop and Avery waved her over.

They exchanged greetings as Katie looped her purse over the chair. “Aw, you didn’t have to get mine. Thank you though.” She sank into the seat, looking like a breath of fresh air in her Kelly-green blouse and naturally made-up face. Her blonde hair was swept into a messy bun that seemed chic instead of sloppy.

“Extra sweet, just the way you like it.”

“You’re the best.” Katie eyed her over the rim of her mug. “You look tired this morning.”

“There was a call last night. I ended up sending the woman to the hospital for an X-ray. I’m pretty sure it was a fractured tibia.”

“How do people get these injuries in the middle of the night, that’s what I want to know.”

“Apparently, she fell down the stairs.”

“We have got to get an X-ray machine.”

“I’m working on it. That’s what I’ll be doing this afternoon.” She needed to spend less time fraternizing with her contractor and more time writing grant applications. But the former was so much more enjoyable.

“Let me take your hours next Saturday. If nothing else, you could sleep in for a change.”

“I’m sure you have wedding stuff to do, invitations to address.”

“We’re doing that today. I plan to get them in the mail this week. Let me take your hours.”

Avery stifled a yawn. “I’m fine, really. I had some down time last night.”

“Meaning you did paperwork in your apartment?”

“No... I had a nice supper and finished off the night with freshly baked brownies.”