I’m outside your door.

Oh boy. She tossed her phone aside, jumped from bed, and threw on a robe. In a matter of seconds she was at the door. She paused to compose herself and caught a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror beside the door. Her eyes were red rimmed, her hair snarled. She looked almost as bad as she felt. After taking a deep breath she pulled open the door.

Gavin stood under the golden porch light in a rumpled T-shirt, his black hair tousled, his eyes bloodshot. He wasn’t sporting ablack eye or any other signs of the fistfight that had apparently happened earlier. But his eyes were sad, his shoulders stooped.

Her heart gave a tight squeeze. This was all her fault. She should’ve broken up with him long ago. Why was that so clear only now?

Oh, God. Give me words that won’t hurt him even more.

But those words didn’t exist. She’d made her choice the moment she returned Cooper’s kiss. Maybe before that in hundreds of smaller decisions she’d made on the way to that defining moment.

He blurred as tears filled her eyes. “Gavin, I—I don’t know what to say. I’m so sorry.”

He seemed to take measure of her for a long moment. “Can I come in?”

“Of course.” She opened the door.

He brushed past her and turned as she pushed the door shut.

Katie dabbed her leaking eyes, then turned on the light.

Gavin surveyed her from across the small space.

She swallowed against the lump in her throat. “Do you want to sit down?”

“Not really.”

“I wanted to talk to you earlier, but Avery suggested I wait a bit.”

He shoved his hands into his front pockets. “Probably good advice. I was pretty angry earlier.”

“I’m so sorry about this. I feel—I feel just wretched. I never meant for this to happen. I never meant to hurt you.”

“I believe you. I mean, I’m angry at you, but mostly I’m hurt.”

“I’m sorry.”

He scrubbed a hand over his face. “I can’t get that picture out of my head. It seemed so... Did you at least push him away?”

He gazed at her with such hope, she wanted so badly to say yes. She opened her mouth. But no. That would be a lie, and she’d done enough of that, especially to herself.

He gave a wry laugh. “That’s a no then.”


“He’s good, I’ll give him that. Must be all that practice.”

Her mouth worked for a moment. Words, none of them right, formed at the back of her throat. “I don’t know what to say, Gavin. I made a terrible mistake.”

“Look. As far as Cooper goes, I shouldn’t be surprised. Women chase after him so he’s used to getting what he wants. Maybe you were just a challenge.”

Katie flinched. Was she an idiot for thinking she might be different?

“I’m just surprised you fell for him. I thought we had something special, and I never would’ve thought—Well, that’s beside the point. You’re not very experienced with romantic relationships, and I can see how he might’ve been able to take advantage of your naivete.”

Katie blinked. Take advantage of her—

“He said it was the first and only time he kissed you. That true?”