Finally something she could get behind. “Yes, it’s true. I promise.”

“All right then. What’s done is done, I guess. I mean, if I’m honest it sucks rotten eggs. But I’ll deal. Relationships have hurdles, and I’m not incapable of understanding—and forgiving with time. Eventually I’ll even forgive Cooper because he’s my brother and I have no choice.” The last was said through gritted teeth.

But she was too busy decoding the first part to lament his bitterness toward Cooper. Gavin still wanted to be with her.

The pull of hope was unreasonably irresistible. She could simply let Cooper take the lion’s share of the blame. Take this life raft Gavin offered and make a future with him. Keep her surrogate family—the Robinsons would have to forgive her eventually.She could still have everything she’d been searching for. Almost everything.

There was only one problem: she didn’t love Gavin.

In the past twelve hours her feelings for Cooper had become crystal clear. And Gavin deserved someone who loved him fully and completely. He deserved her honesty. Besides, how could she let Cooper take the fall when she was equally to blame?

But what if Gavin fell back into the despair he’d suffered before they’d gotten together? His family had been so grateful that she’d helped bring him out of that. But what if her rejection sent him spiraling again?

“Katie?” Gavin had taken a few steps closer in the quiet, closing the gap between them.

She couldn’t lie and she couldn’t make herself feel something she didn’t. She would have to tell him the truth and trust God to get him through. She took a courageous breath and made herself say the words. “I’m so sorry, Gavin. But we can’t be together anymore.”

Furrows formed between his brows. “Why not?”

“I—I don’t feel for you what I should.”

Silence lengthened uncomfortably between them. “Since when? We have a great time together. Your kisses—you can’t fake that, Katie.”

Apparently she could. “I wasn’t—” She fought for the right words but came up empty. How could she tell him his kisses felt platonic without insulting him? She couldn’t.

“Don’t let Cooper take this away from us.” He took two steps closer. “I can forgive this. Give me some credit.”

She let out a shaky breath and took his hand. “I give you all the credit in the world, Gavin. You are such a great guy, and you deserve someone who loves you. I just—I don’t think I’m ever going to get there. I don’t—I don’t think of you that way.”

His lips twisted and he pulled his hand from hers. “Boy, he’s really gotten under your skin, hasn’t he?”

“I can’t let you blame Cooper for this. Not entirely. Regardless of any feelings I might have for him—”


“—this thing between you and me never could’ve gone anywhere. I kept waiting to feel more but it just—never happened. I’m sorry. I really am.”

A shadow flickered in his eyes as his jaw knotted. “If that’s true why didn’t you just break up with me before now? It’s been months.”

“You’re absolutely right. I’m so sorry. I should’ve said something weeks ago. That was selfish of me, but I just kept hoping—I didn’t want to hurt you after everything you’d been through: the divorce and losing your so—” She bit her lip. Her gaze darted to his, hoping he didn’t realize what she’d nearly said.

He narrowed his eyes. “Myson? Is that what you were going to say?”

Katie wished she could reel the words back, but it was too late.

“How long have you known? And why didn’t you say something?”

“I wanted you to be the one to tell me.”

“Well, clearly I was too late. Who told you—some busybody in town? Avery?” Something shifted in his eyes. He gave a harsh laugh.“Cooper.”

Katie looked away. She hadn’t thought it was possible, but she’d just managed to make things even worse between the brothers.

“It was Cooper. Say it.”

“It—it wasn’t intentional. He thought you’d already told me. He felt terrible about—”

“Stop defending him.” The words were clipped. “He’s got you all messed up, and you don’t even know it.”