As Cooper stepped up to the podium, Gavin mounted the stage. His gaze connected with his brother’s.

She wished she were close enough to see their expressions. Surely Gavin wouldn’t rebuff his brother in front of everyone. It would reignite the rumors. It might even cost Cooper the election.

But after a poignant pause Gavin gave Cooper a brief nod and joined his family.

Maybe all wasn’t right between the brothers, but it would be eventually. Gavin’s appearance, his support for Cooper, spoke volumes.

Cooper welcomed the crowd and thanked them for attending Trail Days. Katie’s stomach was in knots, but as he settled in behind the podium she began to relax. He didn’t read from a teleprompter or use a prepared speech. Instead he spoke from the heart on the importance of community. He talked about his love for the area and the people in it. The importance of maintaining law and order and his desire to keep Madison County a safe place to raise a family.

“This is a relocation community,” he said. “People come to visit—they hike into Riverbend and love it so much they leave everything behind to come live here. I don’t blame them.

“I’m not saying it’s all sunshine and rainbows here. We have our good and bad, our ups and downs. Maybe I’m a little partial because this has always been my home. But this community is like a family in that it embraces you with open arms. I know a little about that.”

He gave his family a sidelong look. “Sometimes family isn’t the situation you’re born into but the people who’ve chosen to love you along the way.”

The words caught like a burr on Katie’s heart, and as he wrapped up his speech, pride filled her chest. He was no politician. But he was authentic and sincere, and that rang through clearly tonight.

She joined in as the crowd applauded, whistled, and cheered. Cooper’s family joined him at the podium and enveloped him in a group hug. Katie’s eyes stung as she watched the poignant moment from afar. She was so happy for Cooper. Happy for his whole family. Despite everything they’d been through, they would be all right.

And win or lose, Cooper would be fine. He had a family who loved him. Gavin, too, would come through his heartache and move forward. His family would help him through. Avery, Jeff, Lisa—they had each other. And no one knew better than Katie what a priceless treasure that was.

Her chest tightened with sorrow. She was once again alone. Once again on the outside looking in. That community Cooper talked about had accepted her... then rejected her, as had everyone she’d come to care about.

She slipped away from the crowd, her vision blurring more with each step. As she walked away she thought of her birth mother—the reason Katie had come here to begin with. Since she’d made a public fool of herself, the woman made no effort to reach out to her. Meanwhile, it seemed Beth had been absorbed into the Robinson family.

Once again her mother had soundly rejected her daughter. Once again Katie was not enough. The thought left her sucker punched. She hurried through the streets, barely seeing her surroundings. When she finally reached her house she was struggling to make her lungs function properly.

She pushed the door closed behind her and gulped back tears that had gathered at the back of her throat. Sometime during the walk back she’d reached a decision. She withdrew her phone and found the contact she sought. It rang only twice before the greeting came.

“Hi, Mama Jill. It’s Katie. I’m just calling to let you know—I’m coming home.”


Katie took the file before she entered the exam room, and Avery swept past, heading toward the front desk.

“Avery?” Katie’s heart faltered as her boss turned with a placid smile. “I left something for you on your desk.”

“Okay. Thank you.” Avery continued down the hall, her ponytail swaying with each step.

Katie slipped into the patient’s room, spoke with her briefly, and took her vitals. The twentysomething woman appeared to have a respiratory infection, but the diagnosis was Avery’s call.

When she finished screening the patient Katie hooked the stethoscope around her neck. “All right, Miss Greenwood. The doctor should be in shortly.”

When Katie exited the room Avery was waiting outside the door. “Can I speak with you in the office, please?”

“Of course.” Katie’s feet were heavy as she made the short walk. She gave Sharise a wan smile as she passed. The woman was a goodnurse practitioner. She’d be a great asset for the clinic, a big help to Avery.

Katie stepped into the office, nerves making her hands tremble. The only thing that gave her courage was the knowledge that she was doing the right thing. With her out of the way Cooper and Gavin’s relationship could heal completely.

And maybe, if she wasn’t running into Cooper everywhere, she could finally get over him.

Avery closed the door, giving Katie a hangdog look. “I owe you an apology.”

“No, you don’t. That’s not what this is—”

Avery held her hand up. “Let me finish. I’ve been a real jerk. Worse, I’ve been a terrible friend. You made a mistake—you acted on your feelings—and I’ve been treating you like you have a case of leprosy.”

“No, you haven’t. I don’t blame you for being angry. I came between your brothers and made a mess of everything.”