“Don’t make excuses for me. This was every bit as much Cooper’s fault, and I forgave him”—she gave a wry smile—“after I let him squirm awhile. You’re important to me, Katie, and you’re a good person. One mistake doesn’t define you.”

A little place inside healed up as Avery’s words soaked in. “I appreciate you saying that. And I understand why you’ve been so upset. I dropped a bomb into the middle of your family, and I’m more sorry than I can say.”

Avery wrapped her arms around Katie. “My family will be fine. And I forgive you.”

Katie gave herself over to the embrace, tears prickling her eyes.

A moment later Avery pulled away. “Now please say I can tear up that resignation letter on my desk and we can go out tonight and celebrate.”

Katie wilted. She was grateful for her friend’s forgiveness, but she’d made up her mind: she had to move on.

“Oh, Katie. Please stay.”

“You’ll be fine. You have Sharise now, and you won’t have to worry about having to let her go.”

“I’m not just talking about the clinic. I don’t want you to leave town. Even if I haven’t been treating you like it, you’re my best friend.”

“I’m sorry, but I have to go—for my own well-being.” She felt sick at the thought of never seeing Cooper again. Of never again peering into his warm eyes. Of never again feeling his tender touch. Her vision blurred.

A knowing smile turned up the corners of Avery’s lips. “You’re in love with him.”

Despite Katie’s best efforts, a tear spilled over. The catch in her throat prevented her from responding.

Avery drew her back into her arms, holding tight. “I’m sorry. What an impossible situation. I should’ve known how hard this was for you. And for what it’s worth—”

Katie waited for her friend to finish the thought. When she didn’t Katie drew away. “What?”

“I don’t know if I should finish that sentence. I don’t know if it’ll help or hurt, and I definitely don’t want to hurt you any more.”

Katie let out a dry laugh. “I don’t think I could hurt any worse.”

“Oh, Katie. This is so unfair—to all of you. At first when I caught you guys together, I thought Cooper was just... being Cooper. But I was wrong. You’re different. He cares for you—really cares for you. He’s been so sad this past month. He tries to hide it but I can tell.”

Katie had been wrong about not hurting worse.

“Maybe if...”

“No. I won’t come between your brothers again.” That would be selfish. She of all people knew how important family was.

“Do you really have to leave though? I love having you here. Who’s going to watch movies and eat brownies with me and tease me about my book boyfriends?”

“We can stay in touch. Asheville’s only forty-five minutes away. And there’s always texting and phone calls. We don’t have to drift apart like we did after college.” Remembering Avery’s potential condition, she added, “And I’ll always be here for you if you ever need to talk.”

“Thank you.” Avery gave her a pointed look. “And drifting apart is not an option. We’re so much closer now.”

Katie sniffled and dredged up a smile. “We are. And we’ll stay that way. I promise.”

“When are you leaving?”

“I can give you two weeks if you really want me to. But I’d like to leave as soon as possible—while I still have the nerve. We both know the clinic will be just fine without me.”

Avery’s face fell. “I guess I have to agree to your terms, seeing as how I’ve been such a rotten friend.”

Katie took her hand. “I’d like today to be my last day.”

“I hate this... But I understand. I really do.”

Katie was relieved to have her friend back. It felt good, setting things to right before she left. If only she could figure out how to put her broken heart back together again.