Fear compressed Cooper’s chest. Gavin’s wall of anger protected a gaping wound—a wound Cooper was responsible for. His brother may never forgive him for this. And Cooper couldn’t blame him. The red-hot anger dissipated, leaving something much worse in its place.

“I’m truly sorry. It was a terrible mistake, and if I could take it back, I would.” He meant those words from the depth of his soul.

Gavin’s shoulders slowly sank even as his chest heaved. “Well, you can’t take it back, can you?”

Cooper stared into his brother’s desolate eyes. He’d done the unforgiveable. Wished he had the words to fix this. But Gavin was right. What Cooper had done could never be undone. It was just as he’d suspected all along. He really was a terrible person—his father’s son—after all.


Katie had no sooner emerged from the shower and slipped into sleep shorts and a T-shirt than a knock sounded at her door. Cooper. She hated the traitorous way her heart leaped in response.

But a quick peek through the peephole revealed Avery, her mahogany hair pulled back in the same ponytail she’d worn at noon today. Had it really been less than twelve hours ago?

Katie pulled open the door.

Avery turned a very sour look on her. Her left eye twitched.

Katie hadn’t seen the stress-induced tick since finals week their senior year.

Her stomach wobbled. “Hi. Come on in.”

“Have you checked your phone?”

Katie shut the door. “Um, no. I went for a jog and left it in my purse. Have a seat and tell me what’s wrong. Can I get you something to drink?”

Avery crossed her arms. “I’m just going to get right to the point, Katie. Someone took a picture of you and Cooper kissing and posted it to his campaign page.”

Katie sucked in a breath. The ramifications whirled through her mind.

“I took it down but it’s been shared. It’s out there.”

“Does Cooper know?”

Avery’s face went harder—if that were possible. “Interesting you asked about Cooper first.”

Katie flinched. What was wrong with her? Legs trembling, she sank into her armchair, her gaze falling to her lap. Her breath felt trapped in her lungs.

“Cooper’s over at Gavin’s right now trying to explain. Though I have no idea what he could possibly say to excuse his behavior.”

Oh, dear God. What have we done?“I can’t believe this is happening.”

“What did you think would happen when you kissed your boyfriend’s brother?”

Katie’s face went ten degrees warmer. Avery was right. What could Katie even say? “What will this do to Cooper’s campaign?”

“Too early to say but obviously it can’t be good. We’ll meet tomorrow and go over our options.”

“Have you talked to Gavin?”

“I thought it best he heard the news from Cooper.”


“That’s not all.”

At Avery’s foreboding tone, Katie braced for more bad news.

“The person who posted the photo speculated you might be Cooper’s mysterious baby mama.”