“Do that.”

“Can you keep trying to get ahold of Kate? She needs to know what was said about her, and I think it would be best if I kept my distance.”

“Fine. We’ll talk later about how we’re going to handle the publicity part of this.”

He couldn’t care less about the campaign right now; his family was falling apart—and it was all his fault.


Cooper drove down the campground’s winding gravel road. Evening was closing in, and being a Saturday night, the property was full. Fires flickered at most of the sites, and families gathered nearby, eating dinner at picnic tables or roasting marshmallows.

Cooper pulled in beside his brother’s Sierra Denali and shut off the engine. His feet were like lead as he exited his truck and made his way toward the camper. The lights were on, so at least he’d caught Gavin at home. Relief and dread battled for the lead in his mind.

Cooper had rehearsed what he’d say on the short drive over, but everything sounded so lame. Bottom line—there was no excuse for what he’d done.

As he neared the camper the door burst open. Gavin flew down the steps. “You pig—I trusted you!”

Cooper barely had time to brace his feet before Gavin’s meaty fist came flying. Light flashed behind Cooper’s eyes. Pain exploded in his head. He stumbled backward, reeling, disoriented.

“My own brother.” Gavin’s face was a hardened mask. His brows drawn, his jaw flexing, he seemed a little unhinged.

Cooper shook his head to settle the loose marbles and blinked to clear his vision. His ears rang. His brother packed a punch—literally.

Cooper held out his hands, palms forward. “All right. All right, I deserved that.”

“You think?”

“I’m sorry, Gavin. It was all my fault.”

“How many women do you need, Cooper? Every woman in town wants you, but that’s not enough? You had to steal mine?”

He grimaced. “It’s not like that. Kate cares about you.”

“Kate?”He gave a mirthless laugh and shook his head. “You took advantage of her! You made a play for her like she was just another one of your fans.”

Harsh. Cooper pressed his lips together.

“What’s wrong? Couldn’t stand that there was one woman who could resist your charms? Just had to prove you could get her, too, never mind that she’smy girlfriend?”

“No, it wasn’t like—”

The left hook came out of nowhere. Pain burst through his jaw and cheek. His head jerked back with the force of the blow. He caught his balance and struggled to reorient himself. Something red and hot rose in his chest. He gritted his teeth and sent Gavin a flinty look. “That’s your last free punch, man.”

Gavin got up in Cooper’s face. “You’re nothing but a dog! You knew I cared about her, and you went after her anyway.”

“I never meant to hurt you,” he grated out.

“What’d you think would happen?” Spittle flew. “You’re cheating with my girl behind my back. How long’s it been going on? Huh? How long?”

“It hasn’t—today was the first time I kissed her.”

Gavin fisted Cooper’s shirt, pulling him face-to-face. “Sure it was.”

“It’s the truth!”

Gavin pushed him away, as if he couldn’t stand to be close another minute. He was all but snarling, blue eyes blazing. “You wouldn’t know the truth if it hit you square between the eyes.”

It was the cool, measured tone of Gavin’s voice that sent fear spreading through Cooper’s veins like poison. They’d had many arguments over the years. They’d even come to blows a time or two as teenagers. But Gavin had never regarded him with so much... hatred.