“Afraid so.” A smile laced her voice. “How’d you sleep?”

“Not well, I’m afraid. I got up early and drove down to Mars Hill to confront Megan. Her car is here, but she won’t answer the door.”

“You’re still there?”

“I’m hoping to catch her when she leaves for work. She’ll have to leave soon though. I’m on duty at nine. If she does come out, I’ll have to hang up quickly.”

“Understood. Maybe you can find her new phone number and reach her that way.”

“Already did. No answer, no way to leave a voice mail. I think she blocked my number.”

“She’s definitely avoiding you then.”

“Like the plague. I called Cheryl from the Beauty Barn a minute ago, and she confirmed what Amber had said. She added that Megan was complaining that I hadn’t stepped up and taken responsibility for the baby.”

Kate gave a huff of outrage. “Of all the nerve. What kind of woman does something like that?”

At her defense, satisfaction sprouted deep inside him.

“You know, Cooper, maybe she had stronger feelings for you than you realized. Maybe she instigated this rumor out of revenge for breaking her heart.”

“Oh, she’s definitely looking for revenge, but not because of any feelings she harbors. She was really upset when I called her on that lie.”

“What’d she lie about exactly, if you don’t mind my asking?”

“We were talking about her job at the motel, and she mentioned she’d turned down a clerk position at the courthouse. I knew for a fact it wasn’t true. I have a lot of contacts there, and that position requires a degree, which Megan doesn’t have. I wouldn’t have said anything to her, but I was pretty sure she’d already lied to me a couple times.”


“She was really uncomfortable when I called her out. She turned it around and blamed me for accusing her. I thought she was going to throw her drink in my face.”

The apartment door opened and a middle-aged woman exited holding the leash of a mixed-breed dog.

“Sounds like a toxic personality,” Kate said. “Sometimes there’s no understanding that kind of person. I hope you can convince her to set the record straight.”

“If she doesn’t leave soon that won’t be for a while.” He suddenly didn’t want to talk about Megan anymore. “What about you? Busy day ahead at the clinic?”

“We never really know. Business has slacked off a little since they closed the bridge, but it’s still steady enough.”

“It’s already affecting everyone. Jeff said business at his market is down over 50 percent.” It had only been two and a half weeks since the bridge closure.

“All the more reason to make Trail Days a success.”

“Speaking of that... How’s it going with your mother?”

“I haven’t talked to her since Saturday, but she texts me occasionally to update me about the marketing campaign.”

Cooper held his tongue because he sensed she had something else to say.

“I still feel guilty not telling Avery about her. There was a long gap after undergrad where we didn’t talk much, but we’ve gotten closer since I moved here.”

“If you want to tell her, you should. She’s trustworthy.”

“I know that. But I don’t feel ready to tell Gavin yet, and I’d feel guilty confiding in Avery and not him. But this matter between my mother and me—it’s a real tender spot inside me. I can’t explain it.”

Her pain was palpable. “I’m sorry. This is a difficult situation.But you have to do what’s best for you and trust they’ll both understand when the time comes.”

“You really think so?”