“That’s not why I’m calling. I was wondering if you could help me with something. I heard Megan Taylor was in the salon yesterday. I heard she said some things about me.”

“Well... that’s true enough.”

“I don’t mean to put you in an awkward position, but I was told she was telling people she’s pregnant.” He forced out the words. “And that I’m the father of the baby. Is that true? Did she say that?”

“That’s what she said—heard it with my own ears. And I want to assure you, I haven’t repeated a word of it to anyone. I respect your family too much for that. I can’t speak for the others who were here though.”

“I appreciate that, Cheryl. I really do. And I want you to know what she said isn’t true. I’ve been trying to reach her, but she’s avoiding me. Are you sure she was pregnant?”

“Well, sure enough, she had a little baby bump. ’Bout five months along, I’d say.”

He did the calculation and flinched. Perfect. That was exactly how long ago they’d dated. “Did she say anything else? Anything at all?”

“Mostly she whined and complained. Said you were denying the child. That you weren’t there for her.”

He grated his teeth. “Because it’s not my baby. I didn’t even know she was pregnant.”

“I wondered. I don’t know the woman—never darkened our doorstep while she lived here, mind you. But it didn’t sound like something you’d do.”

“I appreciate your faith in me, Cheryl. And the information. I’d be grateful if you’d continue to keep the rumor to yourself.”

“Of course, honey. What’s going on, you think? Why’s she saying these things about you?”

“I don’t know but I intend to find out.”

When he disconnected the call he tried Megan’s number again.This time it disconnected right away. She must’ve blocked his number.

Someone exited the apartment building, but it was only a man and a child.

Cooper settled back in his seat, staring at the door as Cheryl’s words rang in his ears. There’d been no mistake. Megan was out to ruin him.

He wanted to talk through this with someone, and he didn’t feel like facing his family just yet. He thought of the texts Kate had sent last night. She always had a way of making him feel better.

It was early. The clinic didn’t open until nine, and Kate probably wasn’t even awake yet. He opened his text app and sent her a message.

You awake?

A momentlater her reply popped up.


They could go on as they had last night, texting back and forth. But it would be more efficient if he just called. He found her in his contacts and tapped her name.

After two rings she answered. Her raspy voice dredged up a tempting image of her, tousled and sleepy eyed.

“Good morning,” he said.


“Sounds like you just woke up.”

“I’ve been awake awhile. I just haven’t spoken yet.”

“Not in the habit of talking to yourself?”

“Only at the grocery store.”

“Ah... you’re one ofthosewomen.”