Page 112 of Black Knight (Sin 4)

“That doesn’t mean it won’t.”

I nodded.

“By Wednesday, it will be public that I, Lena Montgomery, own the largest majority of Wade Pharmaceutical stock. Unless you are successful in getting your thirty-nine percent, as the majority stockholder, I will call for an emergency election for Thursday to repopulate the executive board. Personally, I would prefer to be in a consulting role.”

“You don’t want to be the chairman?”

“No, Julia. You would have my vote for that position.”

“If I don’t have my stock—”

Van interrupted. “As of yesterday afternoon, you, Mrs. Sherman, have sixteen percent. It isn’t a majority, but all that is required to hold a seat on the board is to be a stockholder.”

I sat straighter as the realization sank in. “I’m a stockholder.”

Lena got up from her seat and went to her big purse. After retrieving a large envelope, she brought it our way with a grin. Laying it on the counter, she said, “I just need a signature and after Thursday’s meeting, you’ll be back to twenty-six.”

Van narrowed his gaze. “I hear the value of this stock has decreased since I sold. I’m assuming that I was able to buy the ten percent back at a discounted price.”

Lena laughed. “You know what they say about assuming.”

Van opened the envelope and pulled out a small stack of papers. As he flipped through the pages, I couldn’t read the words from where I sat. When he looked up, he shook his head. “I’ll sign.”

“How much?” I asked.

“Exactly what I paid,” Lena said. “No harm, no foul. Now it’s up to all of us to right this sinking ship or at least secure the treasure before it goes all the way down.”

Van turned my way. “Did I tell you about Biogen?”

“No.” I thought a moment. “Doesn’t Biogen make Aduhelm, the only FDA-approved Alzheimer drug?”

Van nodded.

Lena spoke, “Biogen wants to buy Wade. That’s why my people believe the SPAC GreenSphere got involved.”

“Why would Biogen want Wade. Our drug is different.”

“They want to stop Wade’s research where it is.”

“But it could help people,” I said. The realization hit me. “They don’t care.” I met Lena’s and Van’s gazes. “Biogen wants to shut down the research because it would be competition.” Wasn’t that what both of the people looking at me had done in their careers? They shut down companies for profit. “Biogen is willing to pay Wade to stop research?”

“No,” Lena said, “they want to buy Wade and shut it down.”

My eyes opened wide. “Could Wade make a deal for the research?”

Van looked at Lena. “Fuck, it’s worth a try. No one knows about Wade’s research, not publicly. If Biogen is willing to pay enough…”

Lena nodded. “Well, fuck. Look at you, Julia. I’ll admit that I’m not usually on the good guy’s team, but yeah, this might work.”


My steps were making a track in the rug in Van’s office as I paced from one side of the room to the other. It had been three days since Lena and Van agreed that my plan had merit. The emergency meeting of Wade Pharmaceutical stockholders was called by Lena Montgomery for tomorrow. Until then our stock percentage was still at sixteen, but nevertheless, we were stockholders.

I’d spoken to my parents Sunday afternoon. As Van spoke on the phone with an old friend, my thoughts went back to the call with both parents. Staring blindly out the window at the tall trees, I replayed the conversation in my head.

“Why haven’t you returned our calls?” Mom asked.

“There has been a lot going on.” I didn’t wait for either of them to respond. “Van and I are married.”