Page 111 of Black Knight (Sin 4)

For the next few minutes, we occupied ourselves with the mundane. We spoke about the attributes of cream in coffee, the price of fresh fruit—yes, sitting with two billionaires even I found the irony in that—and of course, yesterday’s wedding and the delicious meal Paula provided.

I wasn’t sure I would’ve believed that I could enjoy Madison’s sister as much as I did. Perhaps it was Lena’s blatant honesty, from a sexual history with Van to her desire to help the woman who tried to hurt us, that endeared her to me. Or maybe it was her acceptance of me and her love for my husband.

Watching as Lena chatted and drank her coffee, I realized I admired Lena Montgomery in a way that was similar to my admiration for my husband. They’d both worked to accomplish their goals. Thinking about their achievements in what was considered a male-dominated world, Lena probably worked even harder for her success. Through it all, she had Van. That was the man he was, and I wasn’t jealous. If I were to have success with Wade or any other endeavor, I could learn from them both.

Lena sat tall and looked my direction. “Now that the stocks in Wade Pharmaceutical are yours, what do you plan to do?”

“When they are, I want to learn.” I smiled at Van. “I want to learn everything I can about Wade’s fiscal forecast and importantly, how it got to this state.”

Lena nodded. “Did Van tell you what transpired over the last week?”

“Yes. You own what was Aphrodite’s, you bought ten percent from Van, and you have a deal for Aphrodite to purchase the Butlers’ stocks.”

“It is done, as of yesterday. Marlin Butler sold all twenty-five percent of his stock. The Butlers are out of Wade.”

My lips came together.

“Are you thinking about Skylar?” Lena asked.

“I am. His income was from Wade.”

“There’s no reason for that to end. As long as the company survives, his employment shouldn’t be in jeopardy.”

I sat back. “That’s true.” I turned to Van. “What about Marlin? He was an executive.” I recalled what my mother said. “Mom said that she worked with the scientific aspects—the go-between to the executive personnel. She said Dad and Marlin handled the business side.”

“Marlin Butler,” Lena said, “offered his resignation as vice president of operations prior to the sale.”

“Vicki said there was a blowup between the Butlers and my parents.”

“Julia hasn’t called the McGraths yet,” Van volunteered.

I turned to Lena. “You asked what I will do with the stocks. They’re frozen due to the injunction. I can’t do anything with them, can I?”

“We can petition the court,” Van said. “Under the conditions of Herman Wade’s will, they should now belong to you.”

“If we’d married earlier…”

“I’m going to lay this on the line,” Lena said. “Wade is in trouble. I’m not going to sugarcoat it for you. The next balloon payment is due in a month. The executive board will need to decide if making that payment is wise.”

The English muffin I’d eaten churned in my stomach. “A month.” I looked to Van. “We’ve already wasted thirty days.”

“They weren’t wasted,” he replied.

“I agree,” Lena said. “Remember, this is me being honest.”

I nodded.

“I shared Van’s goal of ousting the Butlers. With the SEC breathing down Marlin’s neck, this is working out well—better than we could have hoped. The Butlers are out. One of our goals accomplished. And yes” —she added— “Skylar’s employment is up to him and the executive board at this juncture.”

“Without the Butlers, the board consists of my parents.”

“For now,” Van said. “That needs to change immediately.”

“Currently, the shareholders are you” —I nodded toward Lena— “and you” —I looked at Van— “GreenSphere and the McGraths, my parents or me. Those shareholders need to vote and determine the new board.”

Lena nodded. “In the next forty-eight hours I will purchase the Butler stock from Aphrodite. Once I do, I’ll have a large percentage of Wade.” She laid her hand on the breakfast bar. Her manicured nails and expensive rings glistened under the kitchen lights. “Julia, I do not want to see Wade fail.”

I let out a breath.